Sunday, August 7, 2011

the mess in the Republic run by self apointed tim turner ....where is the oath of office .....obama took his without the bible and in front of a Rothschild picture and no american flag.

 Forwarded message ----------
From: Susan Chisholm
Date: Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 12:25 AM
Subject: FW: Announcement

Mr. Loundsbury,

You have incorrectly stated that I, and Mark Yoder and others, are part of the “National Harmony Caucus,” and working with Dr. Eric Madsen. For the record, I nor Mark Yoder are a part of that endeavor. I do find it a bit odd however, that you must be aware that Clyde Cleveland is one of the originators of the caucus, but you have failed to mention his name. I presume, that a fellow like yourself who sits behind a computer and does not face a real person, thinks he can say whatever he pleases, because he does not face the accused. Or, are you just a man who can only attack a woman, like Ms. Heiler, or myself. Your life must be a terrible bore if all you have to do is listen in on other people’s calls and write fallacious emails. Get a life, which should include service to others!

So, in the future, please cease and desist from any further erroneous statements regarding my good name and reputation, and that of my colleague Mr. Yoder or Ms. Heiler.

Lastly, your appointee, Mr. Exum and his racketeers, in Florida, were lawfully deposed by the will of the people in a lawful voting process, as were all officers of the Republic, and yet the Turner charade of government “Not by the people, and not for the people,” continues against their will. When these former seat-holders do not call all people within the membership, and openly put forward the motion to hold elections, and secretly re-elect themselves with a miniscule group, hardly representative of the whole, they have committed a grave fraud. We know you have re-elected yourselves. How desperate is that. Dictators end up on the chopping block sirs, as history has proven, time and time again. All of your fates await you in the dustbin of forgotten despots sooner than you may perceive.

And coming in an email nationally, you will soon be seeing the video of Mr. Turner’s appointed “Proctor”, Mr. Exum, the man who held himself above the people. By his own words, in this revealing video, he clearly shows the intent and nature of the Turner government pretense. As he says, with vehemence, “This is a top-down government, and it will always be a top-down government.” Need I say more. The pretense that this was to be a free Republic, of, by, and for the people will forever be exposed. And those of you who have dreams of large mansions in “Sewell’s Point” and have affiliated yourself with this regime, will forever find it difficult to shed the shame of your material endeavors and your egotistical concepts of your persons. You do not serve the people sirs, you serve your own interests!

Susan Chisholm
Excellent response Susan. The general attitude toward women of intelligence in general has been evident from the beginning. Of course since the dawn of time man has made a habit of under estimating his counter part and over estimating the value of brut force in whatever form. It nearly always leads to his downfall. This is no exception.

I am anxious to view the video and let us hope it will finally open some eyes. The trick of course is to put the eyes in front of the screen. It took me awhile to come to the realization as to why so many were paying no attention to what I was publishing. Simple, Turner tells them I am a Satanic, Luciferian Bush 41 Cabal plant and God says don't go to her blog and read what she says and voila the sheep return to grazing!!

Sadly the combination of desperation and religion coupled with promises of great wealth and claims of God's ordainment as a weapon of control is as old as the hills and it works on sheep EVERY TIME.

I admire you and Mary for taking a stand and for maintaining it. We may not always agree and that is in fact how it should be but it looks like perhaps this time, in this battle, the ladies must lead.That thought in no way downgrades the stalwart gentlemen who help and support our public stands. We are after all flip sides of the same coin in God's image.

High Regards,


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