Thursday, June 16, 2011

This presentation gives compelling evidence that CONTROLLED DEMOLITION brought down buildings 1, 2 and 7 that fateful day. The Idea is that USC § 2382 could challenge the FBI to consider the evidence contained in Mr. Gage’s presentation as “actionable intelligence”. No one could have imagined the FBI’s response to this letter.

By Bob Tuskin 
June 14th, 2011
Yet there has been no follow-through on their commitment to justice.
Many people know that Osama Bin Laden was never wanted by the FBI for the crimes of 9/11. In fact, when the FBI was presented with evidence of controlled demolition, it was acknowledged as, “an interesting theory, backed by thorough research and analysis.”
A registered letter was sent to FBI Director Robert Mueller. The letter was written pursuant to Title 18 USC § 2382 “Crimes and Criminal Procedure” or “Misprision of Treason”.
The penalty to a sworn official who violates “Misprision of Treason” by not reporting or acting on the evidence can lead to criminal prosecution, a prison term and a fine. Contained in the letter were references to Richard Gage, AIA and his presentation “9/11: A Blueprint for Truth”.
This presentation gives compelling evidence that CONTROLLED DEMOLITION brought down buildings 1, 2 and 7 that fateful day. The Idea is that USC § 2382 could challenge the FBI to consider the evidence contained in Mr. Gage’s presentation as “actionable intelligence”.  No one could have imagined the FBI’s response to this letter.
The response that was received was not the standard form letter, as may have been expected, but it was instead a direct reply from, Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division of the National Security Branch of the FBI, Michael J. Heinbach.
The materials submitted to the FBI included references to evidence contained in the Richard Gage, AIA presentation entitled: “9/11: BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH”, in which Gage concludes that the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION hypothesis can be proved beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt.
Mr. Heinbach was “grateful” for the information that was submitted on behalf of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Yet, gratitude does not bring justice.
The reply from the FBI, which in part stated, “Please be advised that your observations and concerns have not gone unheeded…” and that, “the FBI is committed to identifying terrorist threats at home and abroad, using the full force of the law to prosecute theses individuals,” could leave anyone with a sense of disbelief. And rightly so…
The letter was sent more than three years ago and there still has not been any action or follow-up. This was a major breakthrough for 9/11 justice, that should not go unheeded.
Let’s push this through to the mainstream and continue to hold the public servants accountable.
There are couple of very important things to understand about this letter and what it means to the “9/11 Truth” movement.
It acknowledges Mr. Gage’s research as being credible.
This is tremendously significant considering the mainstream media’s incessant need to smear any account of 9/11 that doesn’t conform to the official account.
It also tells us that an FBI investigation still ongoing!
“The case agents in charge of the investigation will undoubtedly review all relevant information before making an unbiased decision.”
This was a major breakthrough for 9/11 justice, that should not go unheeded. Let’s push this through to the mainstream and continue to hold the public servants accountable.

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