Wednesday, April 20, 2011

White hats prove yet again they are not for the people . condescending as hell

TMAN – When you posted the info on chemtrails to..oh..let me see..umm..whats his name again?? oh..oh yeah George! oh wait..thats not it..Gunther…damn..I shouldnt have drank that second scotch…oh, okay..yes Gus- you had been communicating specifically with him about it – if you would like everyone to check out, then invite them to do so.
Second, when you start off your post with “I know that talking to most of you guys is useless especially you newer guys and gals … but the world is not going to fall in … promise” it comes across just a touch condescending. Since we on the blog are not privy to inside information, as you say you are, then the best we can do is to research, throw ideas around to each other and post info from as many sources as we can. Since you decided to post and throw out a few vague comments about the Black Pope, and also say..”if you want to know more, reach out to me”, Im confused as to why you would then say because we don’t have the adequate background knowledge about Christianity, it would be pointless for you to expand more on it.
Also, I asked you to give more detail on just HOW everything is going to be okay. Lastly, I also asked you about the Global Settlments. Im not pissed about the information you delivered – I was hoping for some actual information. I didnt appreciate the condescending tone in which you delivered your message. Also, I dont remember this being the “Save the World” blog- I thought that was your realm. If you would like us to engage and participate more, a little respect goes a long way, as well as giving us some real information in which to engage and participate with.
Comment by pansy on April 21, 2011 @ 12:38 pm
Pansy – this is very interesting, definitely ties in with what Susan Rennison is saying about the incredible increase in energy-
Edge – thanks for the info on silver..I will check it out.
Sharing another experience in response to the following. There is no rest for the able bodied.
Comment by kuuleimomi on April 20, 2011 @ 2:05 pm
Today I received a phone call informing me of three opportunities that have been set-up on Kauai. Three court cases, one next week, one next month and the third, closing an overdue divorce case (the legal representative have been given notice, close it now or face the commission). It has been transferred to another attorney within the firm who notified the plaintiff’s attorney they have two weeks (10 working days) to respond to the court’s orders or be held in contempt of court and criminal charges filed against the plaintiff. The plaintiff (not the attorney) violated every court order, basically telling the judge “up yours”. Hmmmm. Not a nice thing to do. The plaintiff is a female. Really not a nice thing to do. Hmmmmm.
The Higher Power has answered.

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