Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Only one man now stands between humanity and freedom: Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Black Pope

Only one man now stands between humanity and freedom: Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Black Pope: "It’s Official: China Will Be Dumping US Dollars
“In case you missed it, earlier this week China announced that its foreign currency reserves are excessive and that they need to return to “reasonable” levels.
In politician speak, this is a clear, “we are sick of the US Dollar and will be taking steps to lower our holdings.” Remember, the US Dollar is China’s largest single holding. And China has already begun dumping Treasuries (US Debt).
This comes on the heels of China deciding (along with Russia) to trade in their own currencies, NOT the US Dollar. Not to mention the numerous warnings Chinese politicians have been issuing to the US over the last 24 months.
In simple terms, China is done playing nice and is now actively moving out of US Dollar denominated assets. This is the beginning of the US Dollar’s end as world reserve currency…”

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