Saturday, April 23, 2011


Kerry of Camelot fame: White Hats – I noticed another post of yours OBH refers to the Bush photos with white hats etc. You are missing the point here… A later reference to white hats (in our history) comes from whistleblowers from black projects who wished to refer in some way to the cross agency/org individuals who are working on behalf of humanity while disguised as black hats within that world. The term White Hats is appropriate but does not refer back to any shenanigans of the Bushes with their hats etc. The fact is, using language is problematic enough and historical usage of terms often change.
Kerry ,your in water deeper than you realize , please keep with disclosing the Alien Agenda ,Regarding “White Hats: We all grew up with cowboy behavioral models however any expousing of the defenders of the Status Quo, like keeping
the FedReserve and the present economic system until another can be in place is hogwash .
The evidence is in and we have placed names and faces even though the Fed has demanded secrecy to cover their looting of America’s silver and gold reserves at FORT KNOX, and their unrestricted theft of tax payers monies to cover their massive thefts
from Wall and Fleet street mortgages and Derivitive ponzis .
Now comes you to shore up these international gangsters and their cotery of paid off functionaries Presidents ,congresspersons,
Military oathbreakers and their “Corporate running Dogs” , to steal a colorful phrase from the Manifesto.
your quick defense of our white hat visitors marks you also as a disinformation source and believe me a recent entry to our free wheeling blog that is so much more alive and useful than from the organized disinfo perculating down from blogs created to divide the collective efforts.
To reveal reality ,without the usual , Mayan myths ,space visitors and channeling new agers for profit is most beneficial. .
They are extremely active as they have the growing expousers
and revelations to cover ,devert and hide and they have all the fiat magicash to disinform with ,
From the BP gulf poisoning, the continuing radiological
mass disaster given us by corporate gangsters like Rock’s GE, you all know now who the baddies are and how the policy is to kill us all off even if it means them staying “dumbed down” in those DUMB bases for a hundred years.
The present economic entity of rapicious Capitalism ,Fascism, or Communism ,all creations of these hate ridden Khazar merchant ,no dicks of the past 150 years that have brought us to this sad state of affairs by instituting greed and averice as marketable and righteous
at the expense of the poor and middle class.
While the new age waits for spacial intervention and the Fundies and Zionists co-operate in Middle East Murders, and Big pharma and agri business tries to destroy the availability of healty heirloom seeds and crafty dudes like Boone Pickens trying to buy up the Ogalla aquafer for hydrogen productions .
How much longer, before the mass rises to bring justice at the end of the rope .
Mean while the new Agers make a bundle over unrealized predictions and confuse us all with unprovable myths .
The White Hats of our blog will soon be replaced by others who will say that we should support ponzi oppressions of
the” Creature of Jeykell Island, (The Fed)” and those of the Congress that are doing their damndest to collapse the safety nets of our Children and Elderly, who are suffering unamerican hits on their very lives and health and prosperity by these gangsters.
No,I’m just not buying it ,you know fool me once ect.

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