Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In Search of the Holy Grail

by “Alexander”,
Published here: Saturday, August 28, 2010 @ 9:35 AM
Foreword by Wes Penre
There is a new group, which has just been formed, called “The Movement”. It consists of “ordinary people” who have joined together to change the world to the better and to put an end to what they call “The Old World Order” (OWO). The OWO from their perspective is the world order that has existed for thousands of years, led by the Global Elite with a purpose to control humankind through a One World Government.
The Movement is created by people who have read the ArmagedPublish PostdonConspiracy website and have been inspired from what is written there.
The website is owned and created by the real Illuminati, which goes back in time to Adam Weishaupt’s 1700s and further back at least as far as the Global Elite. It has had many Grandmasters amongst well known philosophers and great thinkers, and geniuses in sciences and art.
The word “Illuminati” was hi-jacked by the Global Elite to confuse the masses and those who seek the truth. Contrary to what the many truth-seekers think, the Illuminati are not the same as the Global Elite, but quite their counter-part. The real Illuminati want to replace the Old World Order with a “New World Order”, which, according to them, will finally bring spiritual and physical freedom to the peoples of this Earth. They, too, want to create a global government, but this one will be governed by Meritocracy. They are working on merging science and religion to spread a much deeper understanding of who we are, all the way down to the quantum (atomic/sub-atomic) level. This is what “Enlightenment” is all about — science acknowledging the soul and spirit acknowledging science and have the two merge into one.
I am not a member of the Illuminati or The Movement, but in essence, I support their website, which is a mind-blowing wealth of information that can be found nowhere else, unless you are highly initiated. I have communicated quite a bit with Mike Hockney, who is the author of the articles on their website, and I like his determination to make a dramatic change to this world, and we both share the same conviction that change starts from inside ourselves. Only from there can we re-create the world the way we want. Like old Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world“…Quite different from the “change” Obama has been promoting since before the election, isn’t it?
The main reason I am not a member of The Movement, or any movement at all for that matter, is that my path is different. I know why I’m here and I have a different job to do.
Also, from have participated in the past, and by studying groups in the presence and in the past, my conclusion is that groups which start out with a great purpose either get infected by impostors who pretend to share the vision of the group and then taken over by their opponents, or the group mentality works itself into a dogma which is less than helpful for the original cause and can even be counter-productive. Therefore, my philosophy is to mainly work alone and evolve from what is inside of me rather than the ideas of a group, but the information the Illuminati share is many times invaluable.
It’s up to each and everyone to choose their own path. Groups like The Movement are necessary too, so long as they don’t continue the old failing tactics to meet violence with violence, or solve the problems of the world by creating more violence. By being “out there”, spreading information, people can start waking up, just like they hopefully do by reading spiritual books and websites and subsequently find the light inside of themselves.
The following e-book is written by the pseudonym “Alexander” and pretty much summarizes much of what the Illuminati website is talking about. After have read it, and you feel you are interested in learning more, you could start digging into the gnostic world of the Illuminati by visiting their website.
If you want to join The Movement, first read more about it here:http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/M(1724998).htm, and then go to Photon’s FaceBook and message him. He is one of the members I know of.
Read or download the book here: 
Wes Penre

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