Saturday, March 12, 2011

Does Karma not require them to be repaid

It may be timely right now to bring to mind the recommendation often received in recent times – ignore the negative happenings in your surroundings (planet Earth), do not allow negative emotions to surface, remain calm and collected, concentrate on the final outcome and the advent of the Golden Age,
Yes, fasten your seat-belts – there are still a few curves to be thrown at us before we reach our destination ….. nobody promised you a rose garden – at least, not quite yet!
Compassion is well and good, but remember that life is ongoing – and that there have been many heinous crimes committed in the past. What happens to those that committed them?
Does Karma not require them to be repaid? – so what better experience than to live the pain and suffering that they had meted out to others in past life-times? So your horror at the sight of such tragedies should be mitigated by the realisation that all is orchestrated for good reason.
And whether you believe that the New Zealand and Japan events were natural events, or deliberate acts by the Illuminati (having lost the war they are intent on taking the world with them if they are prevented from controlling it), the observant can see that there is obvious control still over what is being presented by the news media. (Nothing new there …..)
Switching from BBC to Moscow, French and Dutch news channels I am able to catch a few ’sole sources’ …. yesterday for instance on several occasions I saw the explosion at one of the nuclear reactors. Lasting only a split second, there was a vivid white-gold ball of light at the centre of the plant, which was so intense that it ‘whited-out’ TV monitors. It was followed by the slower rise of a grey cloud of contamination.
No such thing today. The oft repeated scene showed a small ghostly cloud ride abruptly skywards, followed by the slower grey cloud of contamination. Had it been retouched? They seemed to be downplaying the danger of radiation.
Then I recalled a much earlier incident. When the earthquake first happened, they showed employees at a grocery store frantically holding up shelving ….. and when they turned round to the camera – they were wearing masks! Masks were otherwise not seen until after the explosion at the nuclear energy plant. Perhaps I am being overly suspicious, but had they been forewarned??
When there is flooding and the media report on the ‘heavy rainfall’, it must be most disturbing to them to hear the local mayor say “But we haven’t had any rain!!” …… remember Australia!
“Curiosity killed the cat” ….. hopefully recent experiences have made most of mankind a little wiser. I remember being in Seattle WA about 1980 when it was announced that a tsunami was expected to hit downtown Seattle at such and such a time. People rushed to the shore to see it!! Fortunately by the time it reached land its height was only a foot or so.
Before you rush off inland, survey the coast carefully – the height of a wave is generally limited by the depth of water below it (as was brought to public attention yesterday when Taiwan was not badly affected as feared). Check maps such as was prepared at
For those who are watching and understand the bigger picture, this is a most interesting, intriguing time ……………..
Progredere in luce,

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