Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ron Paul Medley

Ron Paul Medley
Ron Paul, to an educated person, makes ALL the other candidates look like a bunch of NWO buffoons andscript readers. Not one of the other candidates (planted stooges) has the balls to be a real President. Paul is the only one who understands the Constitution and has the ability to get the country back on track... We need to make sure he does not get the election stolen from him by some aho sitting behind a computer manipulating the vote count for Rothschild and other aho thugs...


Ron Paul HUMILIATES Rick Perry in front of Tea Party Audience...

Ron Paul brilliantly shuts down dumb question....

Ron Paul tells a truth nobody wants to hear...

Ron Paul Makes Mitt Romney Look Stupid ...

Ron Paul Calls Everyone Puppets ....

Ron Paul The Real Front-Runner For 2012...

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