Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Riegel Exchange Monetary System.

[9:56:18 PM] Laurence Gilbert - LG: Thanks for posting this repost from David above Hutz. Yes, I am newly working with David Burton. The Riegel Exchange Monetary System is about to move forward. I am also getting inquiries from other countries who are expressing excitement in what they are seeing with it. There is LOTS to do yet before it can be launched, but I and others are working on these issues. Legal docs, procedures and etc. We need some creative artist to help design the actual currency units ( I'm no good at such things at all, lol ). We need knowlegeable people with the understanding and vision of the Money Power aspects to come together and help establish a thorough working 'REMS Rules & Guidelines' to preclude any form of corruption at any level, both now and future. And much more. And we need some donations or investors to help set this up with initially. My meager income will not allow for me to do this all by myself. If it did, I would not hesitate, as I have often done in the past. Mostly, we need people to get serious about their freedoms and liberty and look at this issue. There is NOTHING more fundamental as regards any hoped for and lasting freedom, liberty, prosperity and peace than the Money Power issue, that is the ability to issue/create and control 'money'. IF/WHEN the common people really want to secure their God-given RIGHTS, completely and fully, it will only come about through securing the Money Power through their own inherent right of the same. Rothschild stated roughly 'Give me the power to create money ( this is the Money Power ) and I care not who makes the laws'. How much plainer can it get people?

I wrote the following post on WorldNetDaily at this page:

However, I just noticed that my post is no longer showing there when I refreshed the page after about an hour to check for comments. Guess some people do not want the Truth being exposed to the people in the form of REAL remedy. Seems FaceBook is involved there in order to post on WND. Can we say "sensorship"??? I think WND needs to get a good thrashing on this. Any volunteers?

My Post there:
There are 2 primary things wrong with our present monetary system: first, due to interest added on at the time of it's issue/creation ( interest is NOT created ever ) we have a mathematically impossible system whereby everyone is chasing a smaller and smaller piece of the pie in their effort to pay back the principal PLUS interest that was never created. Secondly, is political control of the monetary system wherein they not only have the power to declare a "money monopoly, and do, but they also have an open checkbook to create "debt" ( see interest above to see where 'debt' comes from, which is forever un-payable, i.e., it is IMPOSSIBLE to balance the budget under this system ) with their uncontrollable "credit", with us Peons held as surety for their unaccountable debt expenditures and as chattel.

We have been lied to for thousands of years about what money 'is' and 'is not'. It is time to step out of our collective ignorance and create our own Monetary System, one that utilizes the only real and proper definition of money; one that is non-political; one that functions fully inside a real Free Market environment; one that is truly of, by and for the people.

If the common people do not control the 'Money Power' ( the power to issue/create and control ) freedom and liberty is not possible. The society and government will always devolve into socialism, communism and/or fascism, and ultimate tyranny. Learn the Truth folks. When ANYONE stands between you and your own ability to exchange according to your own personal abilities, they control you. You are in slavery whether you realize it or not. The Money Power is YOURS if you but take it to yourselves.

We will soon be going public with the ultimate "People's Money" monetary system, the Riegel Exchange Monetary System. Please check us out at: http://riegelexchange.com

We need your support desperately at this crucial time in history as much as you need what we are bringing forward. It cannot succeed without the support and participation of the people. The "Riegel" is YOUR money, YOUR monetary system, operating in a true Free Market environment outside of political manipulation.

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