Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wanted by the FBI WAR CRIMES

Hi All
Some of Australia’s largest companies CEO’s are having their exorbitant pay packets vetoed by angry stockholders.

Wanted by the FBI
Henry Kissinger
Aliases:Henry Alfred Kissinger, Heinz Alfred Kissinger, Butcher of Cambodia
buckle up…

White Hat Report #31 is now posted:

It does not make you ‘tough’ to hurt these people…words spoken by decorated marine Sgt. Shamar Tomas during OWS protests.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2011, 11:01 PM CT
Iraq War’s ’Missing’ $6.6 Billion Is Discovered in Central Bank
A new Pentagon audit resolves a lingering Iraq-war mystery, concluding that $6.6 billion of U.S.-controlled reconstruction money was transferred to the Central Bank of Iraq, not lost or stolen.
The Coalition Provisional Authority, created by the U.S. to run Iraq after the invasion, controlled more than $20.7 billion during its 14-month life, including $6.6 billion held when it was dissolved on June 28, 2004.
“That money is not missing,” said Inspector General Stuart Bowen in a telephone interview.

Stewart Swerdlow
by Ohio Exopolitics
in Paranormal
Wed, Oct 26, 2011
Stewart says that the new world order is not falling apart…it is just ‘reorganizing’. Something to keep in mind..
He also touches on the Keiper belt…

History is not preordained,” said Gorbachev. “We can influence history if we understand the most important things.”

October 26, 2011 – OCCUPY LOVE
Standing Side by Side for the Occupation
“They were chanting ”Brokers and Police : standing side by side for the occupation.” I took this photo at Occupy Wall Street on October 24th, and it has gone viral. The dialogue in the multitude of comments on my facebook posting of this photo , besides focussing on the question of whether the pic is real or not, also opens up a much bigger question: does the 99% really want the 1% to join? And are the police part of the 99%?
From the perspective of Occupy Love, we are clearly 100% love, 100% whole. Notions of separation are simply constructs. We need to welcome the 1% – for their liberation is our liberation. We need to welcome the police – yes even the ‘white shirts’ – for we are all in this together”

Wanted by the FBI
Henry Kissinger
Aliases:Henry Alfred Kissinger, Heinz Alfred Kissinger, Butcher of Cambodia

Some of Australia’s largest companies CEO’s are having their exorbitant pay packets vetoed by angry stockholders.

U.S. Government Issues More Takedown Requests Than China, Including One For “Government Criticism”
The Intel Hub
By Madison Ruppert – Editor of End the Lie
October 27, 2011
“It is now an indisputable fact that the United States is attempting to control the internet through censorship; in fact the U.S. issued more “content removal requests” to Google than China, which is regularly criticized in America for their draconian internet policies.
While China issued 3 content removal requests from January to June 2011 for a total of 121 items to be removed, the United States issued a whopping 92 requests with a total of 757 items requested to be removed.
The disturbing part is not just the sheer number of requests and the compliance rate of 63%, but also the plethora of reasons given for the takedown requests.
The most popular reason given by what Google classifies as “Executive, Police, etc.” (meaning police and any one of the many agencies that falls under the executive branch) is “Privacy and Security” with 13 requests.”

Qaddafi still alive. The double killed at Sirte was named Ali Majid Al Andalus, a famous citizen of Sirte known for it astounding likeness to the real Qaddafi, but shorter in height.
The formidable psyop Main Stream Media and NATO operation was setup to know the whereabout of the real Qaddafi.
As for the Main Stream Media:
“News Media
As to how and why news channels lie, this is a different and longer subject. We work in news, and have seen this for decades. Few know how it really works. It has a lot to do with editors. The ownership, funds, turning a blind eye, ratings, policy, the frightful practice of getting news 3rd of 4th hand and passing it off as fact, laziness, lack of education and critical mind, spin by staff in order to keep their jobs and obtain favour of editors, and the editors keeping favour of those who own them, all play significant roles in the picture of why the so-called mainstream media (MSM) which we prefer to call Money Slave Media (M$M) is so compromised from start to finish.”
For more visit:

Occupy This: US History exposes the 1%’s crimes then and now. 6 of 6
Carl Herman
, Nonpartisan Examiner
“Occupy Wall Street (and nationwide) has three emerging objectives:
1. Public recognition of the 1%’s crimes, centering on war and money.
2. End war and money crimes that annually kill millions, injure billions, and loot trillions of our dollars.
3. Build a brighter future for 100% of humanity, centering on full constructive employment and the creation of money that maximizes public good.
My Open proposal for US Revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic economics explains and documents war and money crimes so they are “emperor has no clothes” obvious,
Gandhi and Dr. King’s strategy for victory, with recommendation for a window of Truth and Reconciliation to encourage criminals’ peaceful surrender,
Historical consideration and today’s possibility of the US creating money to cause full employment and optimal infrastructure. This replaces the Orwellian “debt supply” the 1% creates and controls as their main weapon of dominance (more on economic solutions here).
This 6-article series documents the history of criminality of the 1%’s Wars of Aggression and War Crimes. The power of this history is to reveal that the 1% lies, kills, and loots as their usual business. We the People, the 99%, have historically been distracted by political and media rhetoric that propagandized the crimes”

Lybia Invasion What For?
At first glance, oil is the answer. Nato’s nations want to control Libya’s oil fields, oil production and distribution – at pricing that suits them. However, as exposed in other deliveries available at these outlined links [1, 2], there is more to it than capturing oil fields:
“Simply put, Nato’s member nations are trying to steer back Libya Central Bank into the mainstream financial structure, under the watching eyes of the World Bank and the International Monetary Funds, to provide (reconstruction) funds to Libya with hefty interests payments – and transform a country which was free of debts (for four decades running) into a heavily indebted country – as done everywhere else in sub-Saharan African countries.”
Which bring us back to 1844-1845’s Berlin Conference.
For more:

Gerald Celente – The banks are ripping off everybody and not one head rolls—-
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
There is no saving the system, not as long as they continue the policies that they do …the whole system is corrupt from top to bottom.
What it all boils down to, regarding the protests, just a lot of angry people see the system is rigged.
The big guys can get away with anything, that’s what makes people angry–
Gerald Celente — these banks are ripping off everybody and not one head rolls–

Kenyan Invasion Worsening South Somali Humanitarian Crisis
Kenya Admits It Has Been Planning Invasion for Years
by Jason Ditz, October 26, 2011
“With Kenya continuing to pour troops into Southern Somalia, aid groups are warning that the invasion is making an already disastrous humanitarian situation far worse, as the influx of troops adds more pressure to a population on the brink of starvation.
Already the fighting in the region is making it even harder to deliver aid into the region, and since the Kenyan military is attacking towns the residents are no longer able to flee across the border into refugee camps”

China will refrain from saving the Euro’
Published: 27 October, 2011, 13:42
“Despite China being perhaps the only country with sufficient cash reserves to help the EU out of its crisis, the head of a Hong Kong-based investment company does not believe it will get involved at this stage…
“And there are not a lot of places in the world with real money today,” he added, “And China has $3 trillion of foreign exchange reserves, so it was envisioned in a leading role in saving the euro”.
“When they [the EU] run out of money, they go to China and say please give us your foreign exchange reserve to solve the problem. But I doubt China has to play that role. It should be played by Germany, France and the EU. If you don’t have money – sell your assets or raise some taxes like the US does. They will refrain from playing a leading role in saving the euro,” Lun said.”

I have always been a big fan of science-fiction, yet, however
entertaining a particular book, TV series, or movie might be, the
future is rarely depicted as anything but dark and frightening.
From 1984 to THX1138 to Logan's Run, there is always a complex and
inescapable surveillance system.

Well, with the aid of grant money from the federal government,
Illuminating Concepts is about to launch the first concept
installation of such a system in the city of Farmington Hills,

Welcome to the horror of science-(non)fiction today...

- Brasscheck

The war will soon be over Benjamin Fulford with Vinny Eastwood

Watch this: Dannion Brinkley is the Man

New World Order. abomination of desolation beasts of the earth birth of the nephilim hierarchy end of the age beginning of the great tribulation

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