Saturday, October 22, 2011

This Kingdom's King Is Come

Silverthorne, Colorado 80498

This Kingdom's King Is Come
October 21, 2011
   Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. I have caused you to rise above the world and live on a different plane, a different dimension, a place between heaven and earth. And now the kingdom comes, the place where you really fit, really belong, and can be free to exercise your God-given gifts. I will be there beside you and in you as you do the kingdom works so necessary to remedy the world's ills.

   The Kingdom Age has come and all My beloved, those who are watching, will see it with their own eyes. Bewildered as the world will be, dismayed as the lukewarm "Christians" will be, distressed as the ungodly will be, you will see, and your heart will be enlarged with joy as this Kingdom's King is come.

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