Friday, October 21, 2011

thank you for your willingness to become the Instrument of God you are destined to be.

We are delighted and honored to share this moment with you.
You may or may not know this yet, but you are a wondrous gift to this Earth. All Life evolving here is blessed by your Presence. The Divine Intent of this website is to help you remember that profound Truth.
Regardless of how far you think you are from reflecting the fact that you are a Beloved and Divine Child of God, this information from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth will awaken within you that Inner Knowing.
You have been preparing for aeons of time to fulfill your unique facet of the Divine Plan, which is now unfolding on Earth.
Your I AM Presence has brought the information on this website into your sphere of awareness because the time for you to fulfill your purpose and reason for being is NOW.
thank you

Thank you for volunteering to be born during this Cosmic Moment on Earth, and thank you for your willingness to become the Instrument of God you are destined to be.
No matter what lies before you, remember
the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and YOU are that Light.

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