Monday, October 10, 2011
The Secret History of the Freemasons
I don't mind the falsifications of tv. But all of the Masonic organizations are combined into one. Never separated as they should be.I am sure there are alot of masons laughing at this sensationalism about their mythos. Must boost their egos too. The secret is in Ps 83. The hidden children of Israel. Identify all the nations that hid their identity and you will know why the secrets. This is why the wars. They conspired together, Now the most high is doing work in allowing them to destroy each other, then Christ will finish the job with those who think they've gotten away with something. So the real secret is about Gods chosen people hidden throughout the history of this world. Also; The name of the God of Abraham Isaac & Jacob is hidden. I had the opportunity to visit the United Grand Lodge of England. Freemasons' Hall. 60 Great Queen Street, London yesterday during a free to the public exhibition about Solomon's Temple. During the tour we saw the ornate main hall and marveled at it fine artwork and technological innovations. It was way ahead of its time. Apparently anyone can rent the hall for virtually any purpose including for Rock concerts and many movies.