Monday, October 31, 2011

Rally to Restore the Constitution, 11/11/11 Washington DC

Rally to Restore the Constitution, 11/11/11 Washington DC

OK...all you people out there who want our Constitutional Republic back get busy and support these guys and spread the wordl.  They either need your body in Washington or your dollars to help fund this.  Send this to everyone you know! Make it the SHOUT heard 'round the world.

On the Rally to Restore the Constitution, 11/11/11 Washington DC  By Jim O'Neil

Thank all for the initial response to our donation request...a ways to go but we're on the 
way. We have new guidance for anyone that wishes to donate on line.  

If you're a USPU/VDA member  login to VDA and follow the instructions there.

For all others, proceed to the link provided in the earlier funding request or 

If you do not wish to donate on-line, you may mail your contribution payable to 
The U.S. Patriots Union (11-11-11 Event). Mail to The U.S. Patriots Union - 
P.O. Box 783 - Hermitage, TN 37076-0783
  Mail donations are requested to be sent right away.

Our natons rudder is broken, patriots...we're sending Libyan rebels to Germany for 
treatment in US Military hospitals and you wonder who pays?  Guess what....we do!.
  At the same time Senator McCain is agreeing to rape military TRICARE health benefits
 to save funds.  Just lost 12 or 13 warriors in Afghanistan today thanks to a anti-American commander-in-chief that undermines our military at every turn. This doesn't even touch government selling guns to Mexican drug dealers killing our border guards; millions to failed energy busts; CZARS side-stepping Congress; on and on.  What the hell are we doing?
  Obama is the enemy and people are snoozing, wondering if he will get reelected..
.wringing hands. We must stop this traitor, betrayer of the US Constitution.  This is 
what 11-11-11 Declaration Rally/muster in D.C. is all about...bringing to a screaming
 crescendo the failures and outright criminal behavior of the Obama Administration and
 his supporting Congress critters.

We all need to pitch in so it won't be so hard on any of us...Obama and his cohorts 
are slowly, like a cancer, eating away at our strength...soon we will be weakened to 
point of no alternative.  Be part of the fight, help with funding and lock arms and stand
 shoulder to shoulder together in D.C. on 11-11-11.  Our freedom and liberty is at tell me what's more important.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
Crestview, FL
Visit Constitutional Emergency at:

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