Thursday, October 27, 2011

Egyptian Brutality Comes to America: Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters Posted on October 26, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

Egyptian Brutality Comes to America: Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters

Police Fire Tear Gas, Flashbang Grenades and Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters

This is not Egypt, Greece or Italy … this is America:

The injured gentlemen is Veterans for Peace member Scott Olsen, allegedly shot with a rubber bullet.
article 2053502 0E89468100000578 420 964x493 Egyptian Brutality Comes to America:  Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters
This is another gentlemen allegedly shot in the face with a rubber bullet (his injury is above his right eye, while the injury to Scott Olsen appears to be on the left side of his face):
433190207 Egyptian Brutality Comes to America:  Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters
Here are police roughing up a peaceful woman protester:
And a policeman threw a flash grenade into a crowd trying to help an injured protester:
Some are calling this the “new Kent State”.
And protesters from Tahrir Square, Egypt, say this is what it looked like there.

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