Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thought I would pass this info...take as rumor unless proven otherwise ... RV NOW

Thought I would pass this info...take as rumor unless proven otherwise ...  RV NOW

I'll have more info for you later:

From FREEWAY BILL (I concur will all but with comments - in bold/red and I have taken a few of his observations out)

Fact: Iraq has a currency, recognized internationally that is valued now at 9/10 of a penny (it always has been, but is still NOT traded on the Forex)

Fact: Iraq's budget comes out the 15th of this month and if you have seen their budget, you would know that they cannot operate this budget at the level of value that now exists on the dinar. (this i have only heard about, not confirmed)

Fact: Lopping the currency internationally would be financial suicide for Iraq's plans for the future

Fact: Nobody really knows without a doubt when the RV will occur or when it will not

Fact: The entire world is operating on fumes until this historic event takes place

Fact: hundreds of thousands of people that hold dinar are totally depending on the RV just to be able to live for the future

Rumor: Maliki is "acting up" and therefore could delay the RV

Rumor: The HCL and the Arbil agreement is not yet implemented causing a delay

Rumor: There are intel providers that have sources that are intentionally giving them intel that they know is not true

Rumor: This misinformation that is being supposedly given is to "throw all of us off" the real facts of the RV (i know that this is fact, not rumor)

I believe that we are in a fantastic position for this RV. I believe that we are ever so close. I believe that Shabibi knows without a doubt and has set in stone when the RV will occur.

I DO NOT BELIEVE that Iraq has had an in country RV with a LOP. Not yet

I DO NOT BELIEVE that we have documented proof that the Kuwaiti dinar has RV'd. Not yet.

I DO NOT BELIEVE that we could have so many credible people giving us information that makes sense could all be wrong because a couple of sources say "they don't see it"

Just ask yourself these questions

1) Can Iraq operate on 9/10 of a penny for an extended period of time and build a 3.5 billion dollar transit system in Baghdad?

2) Can Iraq continue to operate a country with virtually no real money?

3) Would Citibank invest the money they have in Iraq in banking acquisitions if they were not assured that an RV would take place soon?

4) Would Obama announce a 400 billion dollar plan unless he knew where the money was coming from. It cannot come from the budget...(O has been trying to raise taxes since he got into office - FACT. I will not nor do I subscribe to reading into what a politician, especially our 'Hope and Change" president is spouting because he is a _____________.
Some of you may want to fill in the blank, but I'll try to keep MY political viewpoints out of it)

I don't care what denomination you belong to (or even if you believe), you have to know that He works in HIS time and not ours. Does he control the RV? NO But he knows the rate and the date. I promise you. He knew it at the beginning of time. (I like this statement... so true)

MORE FROM BILL with no comments:

Freeway Bill Sep 13...BSP Chat - VNJW post at PTR Forum09/14/2011


First I believe that Tony is getting more of the right information than what Dan is giving him credit for. I have talked to Tony and he is hearing almost the identical same things as I am.

8:26 PM FREEWAY BILL: I have heard that the rate will go live for activation once it hits the UST and that is to be within 24-72 hours

8:27 PM FREEWAY BILL: I have said from the very beginning that the rate would be above $6 USD and with the $ 4.41 to the GBP, we will be at $7.3666

8:27 PM Ratatap: FREEWAY BILL is your contact(S) different than any of the others?

8:28 PM FREEWAY BILL: Rat: My contacts are from 3 different countries and several big banks and they are not the same contacts as Tony's, so how would these people be saying the same things that Tony is telling us?

8:28 PM ArtieFD: freeway bill hello Sir I talk with the UST 2 Times and yes its ok to buy or sell dinar BUT the UST told me that they are having nothing at all to do with the Iraq Dinar Per the phone call i had

8:29 PM FREEWAY BILL: Artie: And they are suppose to tell you the truth right now?

8:29 PM FREEWAY BILL: So, here is what I feel is going on right now::::::: waiting for room to slow down::::

8:30 PM FREEWAY BILL: Folks, I didn't start looking for "intel" and I am not a "guru" but people started contacting me as they could see that I was trying keep people informed but grounded in the same motion

8:31 PM FREEWAY BILL: health: pennies is not important, would you like to hear the rates?

8:31 PM FREEWAY BILL: I have bankers telling me information thousands of miles from Tony' s and I have people in Dubai and London telling me things who have never heard of Tony or PTR

8:32 PM FREEWAY BILL: I have a strong international investor that does not read anything from the boards talking to me nightly

8:34 PM FREEWAY BILL: I am just saying that Tony has his contacts, Okie has his contacts, BGG has his contacts, ScottieG has his contacts and Poppy has his contacts. All of these contacts along with mine are in a minute by minute aggressive mode. With all due respect, and I am the first one to stay grounded, but Dan has said that he has a few contacts that he trust and believes. and they aren't saying what we are reporting....

8:37 PM FREEWAY BILL: So in a final thought. YOU DON"T CONTROL THE RV and neither do we. But like ~nk says, "Take what you want and throw away the rest" but having a call to basically diplomatically even the playing field with a no foul infringement on Tony's intel was, in my opinion unecessary. I have said things that did not play out and so has Tony, DAN, Okie, Poppy, everyone. It wasn't a lie, it was what we were being told.

8:39 PM FREEWAY BILL: This is not any kind of attack or chastisement and emotions are running high but before the call was over, I got 7-8 phone calls offering to sell me their dinar and then went on the forum of two sights and there is Dinar for Sale all over the place. Diversification is one thing, but this "I have to go with the facts" type of thing is a little frustrating. WE ALL GO WITH WHAT WE FEEL MAKES SENSE..... Nobody knows exactly when this is going down, we just give what we get.

8:39 PM FREEWAY BILL: Question: Please answer in one word: Am I making sense??????

8:43 PM FREEWAY BILL: GOD BLESS YOU ALL! We are in this together! I do not criticize other intel because I am not a know all kind of person and they just might be right. I learn from other information givers. EVERYDAY! BE kind to eachother. Tony and all of the rest work hard. I put in a call to Tony yesterday about some intel and it took him hours to get back to me. This is a full time job folks and everyone is doing this trying to help our FAMILY know what is what. OK, I am back to a regular blood pressure now

8:45 PM FREEWAY BILL: Tonight, I have decided I WILL go to SF. Wasn't going to but I want to see all of you wonderful people face to face...!!!

8:46 PM FREEWAY BILL: The mail has been sent! The delivery is slow.... make sense

8:47 PM FREEWAY BILL: somebody will .... I don't know how many posts there were.. I was kind of on a roll...

8:48 PM FREEWAY BILL: LOVE YOU ALL and whether we get rich tonight, tomorrow or Thursday, it really doesn't matter. We are already wealthy with such a good family of dinar blessed children of GOD... Goodnight
[12:15:58 PM] *mike**nesaranowwon**: (*)
CNTV - news clip from 9-12

    Iraq Dinar News – RV Almost Here

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