Friday, September 30, 2011

Russell Simmons Joins Occupy Wall Street Saying He Will Bring Hundreds Of Thousands

Russell Simmons Joins Occupy Wall Street Saying He Will Bring Hundreds Of Thousands

Thu Sep 29 2011 23:49

Media Mogul Russel Simmons now at Occupy Wall Street after telling MSNBC earlier he was joining the protests and promising bring hundreds of thousands out to NYC
Hip hop  and media mogul Russell Simmons told MSNBC earlier that he plans on joining the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests at Liberty park in lower Manhattan and he would bring hundreds of thousands out to protest.
He is now confirmed to be at the Occupy Wall Street protests answering questions from the media and protestors.
Russell Simmons confirmed to be at #occcupywallst. He's answering questions from the protesters, the media.
Russell Simmons confirmed to be at #occcupywallst. He's answering questions from the protesters, the media.
Here is his interview earlier on MSNBC.

“Last time I got involved in a protest I brought a hundred thousand people there, for the Rockefeller Drug Laws. And if I get involved really heavily in this one, we find the agenda and have a common ground we can bring hundreds of thousands of people small seeds are planted, but it could grow into something very big.”
Source: Russell Simmons Joins #OccupyWallStreet Saying He Will Bring Hundreds Of Thousands ©
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