Thursday, September 8, 2011

Morning all my rant for the day:
[8:14:16 AM] David Meola: 9-11 is once again around the corner some have discovered a truth of the date, there are many references about that number be it in the statues law, religious documents and so on.  Many think of the attack on American soil when they hear that date, but there is much more then the masses believe behind these numbers.  We are just 2 and half days from this date, some have learned the truth that others will not accept, we are approaching a division, this division is of spirits, separating dark from light it all begins on this coming of the date in question.  This division will last for so long and those left behind will see the biblical end as mentioned in Revelation.  Some have heard of the left behind series, others have found and others like myself have just always known.

This planet has been judged and for those who may have not heard the verdict is guilty.

How does this pertain to the defacto, simple, we have chosen for the past 2200 years to be ruled over by others and that includes false Gods, then that of the Universal spirit of ALL.  This is your chance to free yourself from this world for Jesus has said he not of this world, this planet of sorrows belong to the dark spirits that rule it, but once again your chance to rejoin the light of the Universe has come.  Will you take it, or spend another 2200 years trapped in HELL?
[8:26:31 AM] David Meola: Transcript of (the magic of Genesis) video can be found on youtube by the same name.  If you want this transcript send me a contact request asking for it. thank you.
[8:29:16 AM] David Meola: the movie can also befound on my thread located here:

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