Sunday, September 4, 2011

“For the people who do not understand how this can happen $$$$ posted by FREEWAY BILL

“For the people who do not understand how this can happen $$$$ posted by FREEWAY BILL
Let me just say that I am not a guru. I do not claim to know when the RV will happen or what rate it will come in at. Does not matter. So many people have used the abundance of money involved makes it impossible for it to happen.
Let me give you some things to ponder:
There were originally 30 trillion dinar printed. Well over 80% of that amount has been accounted for and is in the hands of Iraq. That leaves 6 trillion dinar out of which US, China, Russia, Brazil and other countries hold a substantial amount of these in their countries. So let us say that there is 1 – 1.5 trillion is out in the hands of regular people, trusts, etc. How could Iraq possibly cash in this much at one time?
They can’t! Or Can They?
China and the US have signed agreements that they each will take all of their dinar and all that they cash in from their citizens in OIL @ an agreed upon rate of $32.00 per barrel for however long it takes. Now taking the total of 6 trillion that is supposedly out there which would be multiplied by the rate that we will set at $ 4 just to go from a number of some kind.
So now we have $ 24,000,000,000,000! Seems like an amount that just will not be possible? Read on. 24 trillion dollars will transform to 750 BILLION barrels of oil @ $32.00. That is what it will cost Iraq to payoff. That is still a lot of money, right? Well, considering that one barrel of oil cost Iraq less than $ 2.00 per barrel to process which means that Iraq can pay off ALL of the Dinar still out for $1,500,000,000 while coming out of sanctions, becoming a powerful country and a part of the UN and WTO and go forward. Being that this RV would basically make it so the US will be able to pay off most or all of their national debt along with the other countries involved would be doing the same making the World Economy would get a tremendous shot in the arm and everyone would be on a better playing field meaning World trade would be enhanced and the US and China emerge as the strongest and Iraq comes out as either the richest or the 2nd richest country in the world.
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So, my friends, the RV can happen and actually if you take Iraq’s assets, it could actually justify RVing at upwards of $ 8 – $ 12 and this calculation would work and still leave Iraq with a smidgen of debt compared to the assets they have. So rest assured that there will BE NO LOP because it is not necessary and it would deflate this entire plan and not help anyone and Iraq would not emerge as a stable government or friend to anyone.
So, poke holes in this if you wish. I would be interested to see what anyone can come up with that will change these numbers. I am not a genius, just an investor that has to reason out everything I invest in to see where the return can come from and how much it can actually reasonably be… I didn’t come up with this plan, but whoever did was a genius. This is historic. People have said to me, “How can you invest so little and gain so much?” Well, not in our lifetime has any country been completely destroyed, government and all with the agenda to build it back up. This plan was IMO in place before the first boot hit the ground in Iraq. It all makes sense.
Please feel free to credibly pick this apart if you can. I have studied this to no end and I keep coming up with the same numbers.”
So here goes. Iraq’s reserves are 143 billion barrels. The 750 billion barrels are more close to Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE combined.
The $32 oil price is strange because oil prices are consistently above $80.
Let’s say there are 30 trillion IQD printed. At a price of 208 IQD per barrel the IQD would be 100% backed by oil. At current world prices of roughly $90, this would give the IQD a current value of 0.43 against the USD. This is the oil alone.
According to the post $90-$32=$58 of the current barrel price goes somewhere else, so a fair evaluation of the currency rate is quite difficult.
Very interesting to see how this plays out…

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