Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What if the world had media who was designed by government to manipulate the audience with grand schemes that inflict the nation with lies, all while honouring the leaders of oppressive indoctrinations?
A dream can be a nightmare. What if the human race is born into a world that
breeds arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy and injustice. What if the world the
human race perceives as a heaven, is really a world of hell in disguise? What if
the human race is a manifestation of demons in skin that hides the true image of
a demon? What if you lived in a world that jails those who fight for justice on your
behalf? What if as you read this, there are military men raping a little 8 year old
girl and laughing about her screaming and crying? What if these same men and
women were killing civilians on other lands or abusing these human beings in
barricaded tents? What if you lived in a world that honours the rapists and
murderers with medals, and the people of the land endorse their actions with
support the effort of the troops stickers? What if you lived in a world where the
most fortunate and most guilty were targeting the less fortunate and the less
guilty? What if the world you inhabit has police beating and pulverizing people at
will behind the scenes, and raping women behind cement walls, while smiling
into cameras exalting themselves as heroes? What if this world had people
abusing seniors in senior homes, aids who attack mental patients with needles
and mental torture, and social workers who take kids out of homes against their
will and then placed kids into homes and institutions such as churches where
they are abused? What if the world had media who was designed by government
to manipulate the audience with grand schemes that inflict the nation with lies, all
while honouring the leaders of oppressive indoctrinations? What if every human
was capable of lying to one another, their friends and family and their co-workers
and neighbours, and groups of liars were to become employed in group
departments of government and media, continuing the lies?

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