Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our sun is a giant ball of concentrated dark matter the same concentrated dark matter is kept within each one of these lightships that many people have photographed filmed and put up on YouTube and other various media outlets example mass sightings in Mexico etc. these lightships live within the sun and this is very important in helping I believe to stopping this NWOgang located in the Vatican.

And here’s the three-part video series that will pretty much prove to any idiot that doesn’t need glasses that Jupiter has absolutely no moons but these things that live within our sun and bring reincarnatetive light to the moon and earth.
Yes that’s right you heard me,, if anyone here has good contacts with BEN this series needs to get to him ASAP so he can use his White Dragon contacts to get a hold of the Vatican and ask why they used these people astronomers to move his agenda forward 400 years ago
What agenda is this? Who am I speaking of? I think his name was Galileo where he was locked up for the rest of his life at the Vatican and not able to get out and speak to the world after the revelations were made that the Sun was not our God and it was actually 1,000,000 miles away this is actually way farther from the truth. The sun is actually only about 86,000 miles farther out than the distance of our moon,, a spaceship that does not orbit Earth, it is following us on our journey to where it is that we are going.
There are only a couple ways to prove this fact we either have to get on the space shuttle wate excuse me that’s right we can’t go up on the space shuttle no more,, so we go to Russia strap a rocket to our ass go up and take a look around then you will know for sure but since only freemasons and reptiles are allowed to do this is not an option.
The other way to find out this is a lie, is to have a tool that you can look at down here on the ground that is universally the same size in ower solar systemly the same size this tool I have discovered by ripping apart the NASA photographs through their MPEG download section that I am now mimicking with my new land base SoHo once I did this and removed their fake green color of the sun I quickly realized that our sun was absolutely the opposite of anything we had ever been taught.
Our sun is a giant ball of concentrated dark matter the same concentrated dark matter is kept within each one of these lightships that many people have photographed filmed and put up on YouTube and other various media outlets example mass sightings in Mexico etc. these lightships live within the sun and this is very important in helping I believe to stopping this NWOgang located in the Vatican.
It is my hope and fondest wishes that Ben will address this in his next article trillions have been spent in keeping this knowledge from us not letting civilians up and outer space for fear of repercussions. I’m sure I suspected this for a long time but was not able to make the link between the tool that I had not only filmed near the sun near the moon and also in orbit around Jupiter under the guise of being Jupiter’s moons I knew this not to be true from my own observations frame by frame etc. etc. that Jupiter is way too tiny to have any moons but it still was not a strong enough link to prove that we live in and Earth centered solar system.
Once I discovered that the masked or green sun from the SoHo websites was just that a mask to cover up the real x-ray integrity of the footage and also the massive compressioning and shrinking down of the data made this difficult but I did not give up once I unmasked their deception it became quite evident that our sun was full of these lightships by superimposing the ones that I had captured near the moon over the sun I quickly realized that they were all the same size even the ones in the sun as the ones around Jupiter,, therefore creating a tool that is absolutely un corruptible data that can’t be fudged or changed via a satellite down to a box full of goons in a room thinking that they’re looking at something 1,000,000 miles away and that tool is the lightships themselves that we have all been brought up to believe are stars
The stars are spherical conglomeration of these lightships that revolve around the earth and moon that does not move but only gives the appearance of movement as the stars little teeny tiny planets and Sun make their one monthly journey around Earth and the moon.
It is my hope that Ben will address this and others will help make this video viral on their own websites and YouTube channels. It is also my hope that BEN will then if he really sees this and understands will address the Vatican in his blog that there is something wrong in our solar system and it isn’t, Elanine or planetX is my hope that Ben will address this pOpE and make them understand we are waking up and realizing that the sun centered solar system is a lie created by the Vatican 400 years ago the sun and the moon are exactly the same size the spherical lightships you think our stars are holding back dark matter from enveloping our solar system this was known long ago, as far as I know all those would knowledge of this back then and other things of intelligence were burned at the stake.
2011: A Space Oddity pt1: The Monolith Makers’ of Jupiter.wmv
Reupload 2011: A Space Oddity pt2: PROOF We live in an EARTH CENTERD Solar System
Reupload 2011: A Space Oddity pt3: PROOF We live in an EARTH CENTERED Solar System.wmv
I don’t know how much longer the Corporate Scum at YouTube is willing to put up with my shIT,, you might want to take a look at this information.

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