Inside Scoop: Shot Down Black-Op Seals Won't Be Talking Now
Sat Aug 06 2011 18:51

by Julius Sequerra
31 American military personnel were killed when the Boeing Chinook helicopter in which they were flying crashed in Afghanistan.
Of the thirty-one killed, twenty were members of SEAL Team 6.
More importantly, I’ve been reliably informed (by a retired Colonel, US Army intel) that these very same operatives were the men who allegedly killed Usama bin Laden recently in Abbottabad. [NB: Seal Team 6 is an ultra-elite group of "black" operatives who exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification, and often outside the bounds of international law.]
The official story is that the Taliban shot down the chopper. I have my doubts (as do many others far more savvy than yours truly).
[Remember Pat Tillman, the Pro Football star who forsook a megabuck contract and volunteered to go fight in Afghanistan in the heat of the post-9/11 patriotic frenzy? The official story is that Tillman was killed in a friendly-fire incident. According to reports from several US military personnel (a few of whom I know), Pat Tillman was assassinated by his own government. Reportedly, Tillman, the quintessential poster-boy for military recruitment, was waking up to the 9/11 lie, and was beginning to get a little too loose-lipped for his own good. Word traveled up the chain fast. Three bullets to the head fired at close range killed him. Friendly-fire indeed.]
"We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves." - Goethe
Usama’s “recent death” brings to mind photos that made international headlines during the Iraq invasion.
Remember that iconic image of cheering Iraqis helping bring down the statue of Saddam? A Marine I know told me he had a friend who was actually there, on the ground, in that town square. Evidently, there were no more than 50 Iraqis in that “cheering crowd” — and virtually all of them were paid to participate in the photo shoot. [Did you happen to notice there was only one tightly cropped shot from just one camera angle? The rest of the square was virtually empty, save for US military personnel and equipment.]
Then there was that other classic shot, of a bearded and bedraggled Saddam crawling out of a hole with his hands pathetically held up in the air in a gesture of utter defeat. Remember that one?
Again, rigged. I’m personally acquainted with a former Marine who knows one of the guys who actually helped stage that sordid affair.
Truth is, Saddam was finally cornered in the home of one of his friends, and he fought valiantly to the last bullet. He was eventually nabbed, mussed up further (he apparently didn’t look great to begin), physically forced into the hole, and dirt thrown on him for good measure to ensure a Hollywood-grade image. That photo’s singular intent was to demoralize the Iraqi populace by showing their leader cowering in abject defeat.
Usama bin Laden’s REAL Death
It is generally known by military insiders (and others who look to alternative sources for their news) that Usama bin Laden died of natural causes in 2001. He had just returned to Pakistan from Dubai following medical treatment at the American Hospital.
As early as March, 2000, Asia Week expressed concern for bin Laden's health, describing a serious medical problem that could put his life in danger because of "a kidney infection that is propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment.”
Having taken off from Quetta in Pakistan, bin Laden arrived in Dubai and was transferred to the American Hospital. He was accompanied by his personal physician and a ‘faithful lieutenant’ (possibly al-Zawahiri). Usama was admitted to the well-respected urology department run by Dr. Terry Callaway, an American gallstone and infertility specialist.
Bin Laden was checked into one of the hospital’s VIP suites. While there, he received visits from many members of his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis. During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to bin Laden's floor.
A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited bin Laden. Reliable sources report that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was recalled to headquarters. [NB: Contacts between the CIA and bin Laden began in 1979 when, as a representative of his family's business, he began recruiting volunteers for the Afghan resistance against the Soviet Red Army.]
The LAST ‘Death’ of bin Laden
What the world has been told about the recent “Death of Usama bin Laden” is pitiful and laughably absurd (especially the parts about no forensic tests having been performed, and the body quickly dumped into the sea. That last doctored photo was the clincher).
Truth is, bin Laden’s bin dead a long time.
The charade in Abbottabad was one massive a psyop to provide soothing peace of mind for the American public subject to full-throttle media propaganda, while continuing, unabatedly, one of the greatest, deadliest, and most expensive hoaxes of all time: 9/11 and "The War on Terror."
And now, every single SEAL Team 6 member who was involved in the ‘assassination’ psyop is dead.
Incidentally, I had to smile when I saw one particularly amusing headline re Usama’s latest death, in the US publication Business Insider: “Meet The 'Seal Team 6', The Bad-Asses Who Killed Osama Bin Laden”
Well, all those hapless ‘bad asses’ are now dead.
And dead men don’t talk.
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I said the above to say this: that every earmark of the "bin Laden" affair, as in the whole 9-11 caper and all the other recent diaper goo getting spread around by incontinent CIA bogeymen working at City Hall, from start to finish, are, to the seasoned and experienced (such as I and apparently a few others), like reading a thumb-worn childhood novel or watching a favorite early 50's Tom Mix Western for the umpteenth time that one had already heard on the radio during the 40's.
As in the leading edge appearances of all the other psyops surrounding operations since and including 9-11, when I saw the headline, "Navy Seals That Killed Bin Laden Perish in Fiery Crash," I ROFLMAO'ed. It is better comedy than Keystone Kopps. All the rubes standing around deadpanning the scene, wagging wizened heads, tsk, tsk, tsking, RIP'ing and may they all go to heaven'ing, cracks me up as much as the tale itself. It's grim comedy, for sure, but after living around humanity for all my existence, I'm accustomed to grim by now. I just can't seem to grow accustomed to the idiocy of the victims that seem never able to learn what reality looks like even collectively across millennia of time in which evolution itself, if ought else, should prevail eventually, but it doesn't. The same old storyline simply mixed with different shades, brightness and colors of blood and gore gets them every time. It's as though they have never heard the storyline after the ten thousandth time.
The collective "wisdoms" of thousands of years of rubes still stumbling around as though oblivious to the most basic of gamesmasnship, staggering into one another, even attacking themselves and genuinely pretending it is coming from "elsewhere," laughing when they should cry, screaming when they should be silent, ever committing exactly the opposite of what they should prudently do, all combine to make me laugh my ass off even when I probably should be afraid, not of the story line itself, but the intents and purposes behind it.
It is only the neophyte, the wide-eyed innocent, trembly in the knees, thumb stuck firmly up butt, gawking with chin on floor, that stumbles onto the scene for the first time no matter how many times he/she has seen it, whom greedily swallows the party line all the way up to the elbows of the "fishermen" confidently trolling in the midst of all the nets and gaffs, knowing he will catch at least most of the nitwits.
Where intelligence leads the way, only the boob gets ensnared in the nets time after time after interminable time. Never mind grim, I've got to stop laughing before I can get serious.
Please, will somebody tell the gubs to turn off the comedy for a while? It has my face frozen in laughter.
"In the immediate aftermath of bin Laden’s alleged murder by the SEALs, Pakistani TV interviewed the next door neighbor to bin Laden’s alleged compound. Someone supplied the video with an English translation running at the bottom of the video. According to the translation, the next door neighbor, Mr. Bashir, said that he watched the entire operation from the roof of his house. There were 3 helicopters. Only 1 landed. About a dozen men got out and entered the house. They shortly returned and boarded the helicopter. When the helicopter lifted off it exploded, killing all aboard. Mr. Bashir reports seeing bodies and pieces of bodies all over.
The US government acknowledges that it lost a helicopter, but claims no one was hurt. Obviously, as there were no further landings, if everyone was killed as Mr. Bashir reports, there was no body to be dumped into the ocean.
A real investigation would begin with Mr. Bashir’s interview. Was he actually saying what the English translation reported? I have not been able to find the interview with the English translation, but I believe this is the interview that I saw. "
So one helicopter of an alleged 3 helicopters actually landed and the Seals in that one are the ones who killed OBL and carted his body back to their helicopter. Then that copter with everyone in it was killed. So maybe the Seals killed in this most recent incident covered in this news were the Seals that were on the other two copters present but that did not land.
Just like 9-11, we are fed a mish-mash of lies and things are in such a state of total meltdown these days that there is no entity, no person, that will investigate this incident or the murder of OBL recent event.
All we can do is ask the logical obvious questions and get all the nonsensical stories fed us exposed and examined in the light of truth that we still have. Soon those of us who write stories like this and respond to them will "get a little trip to Dallas too."
On the 30 Jan 96, 12 Turkish Frogmen Commandos landed on IMIA, which almost led to all out warfare between Greece and Turkey if it were not for US diplomatic intervention.
This crack team of Turkish Commandos were under the command of Special Forces Major Zeki Zen of the infamous Unutulmaz SAT.
The 12 Turkish Commandos withdrew after a few hours in the face of Greek threats to scorch the island from air attack which would inevitably have led to war.
WhilE on IMIA, A Greek Naval Augusta Bell AB-212 Helicopter Crashes mysteriously, killing all 3 on board, including 2 Hellenic Navy Helicopter Pilots whilst on a reconnaissance mission over IMIA. The official position is that the Helicopter crashed as a result of Mechanical Failure/Pilot Error. However, when the wreckage was salvaged, the fuselage was riddled with bullet holes, and there is substantial speculation from the Greek Military that the helicopter was fatally damaged due to Turkish Fire from the 12 Turkish Commandos on IMIA.
The Commandos then returned to Turkey as heroes. They were decorated with Turkey's most distinguished medals of valour. The 12 Commandos were then infamously known from within the Turkish Military as the heroic "Kardak Team".
Only 2 months later, the Turkish Navy held an exercise in the Aegean and Sea of Marmara. Major Zeki Zen was again the commander of all Special Forces operations and had decided to deploy his prized "Kardak Team" on amphibian naval demolition exercises. 10 out of the 12 "Kardak Team" were on board a Turkish Naval Cougar Helicopter when it miraculously exploded in mid air and crashed in the sea killing all on board. The remaining 2 remained on board the frigate as they were medically unfit to participate in the exercise at the time.
The "Kardak Team" was then disbanded as only 2 of the original IMIA Commandos are alive. These 2 were then transferred to another Special Forces Unit.
Three days later, the remaining 2 "Kardak Team" (Seals) died in a car crash.
Major Zeki Zen was secretly transferred to Georgia as part of Turkey's UN deployment in that country.
Zen then returns to Turkey on 06 May 03. 2 days later he was seen celebrating his birthday with his girlfriend and friends at the LAILA nightclub in Istanbul. He spends the night at the Ciragan Palace Hotel.
The next day at 1530, he was stabbed in the back by three youths!
So withing 3 months of the IMIA crisis, all 12 Turkish Commandos that landed on IMIA were killed. In 2003, their decorated Commanding Officer Major Zeki Zen is murdered in Istanbul.
The above events seem to be too much of a coincidence as much as the death of SEAL TEAM 6.
This is a sad situation ...those boys were just doing their job!
And for the neighbor that saw from his "roof" everything.....well seriously....that the compound was soooo secretive but then allowed neighboring houses to look into it ??seriously would a paranoid Osama allowed such a breach of security & easy exposure?
All those SEALs....extremely special forces dealing only with HIGH LEVEl situations flying together to assist in some simple situation???? what was so crucial that was going on that they needed 31 fiercely trained SEALS....another Osama??
At Waco, some of the attack force entering one of the buildings were from the personal Trooper Guard of Former Arkansas Governor, Bill Clinton. Upon their passing through a window, into a second story room, they were sprayed with machine gun fire by one of their own, from behind, at close range. They died.
It was a likelihood that one of these SEALS would find a conscience about this current charade. That is, now, less likely.
Since 911 I have gradually adapted to this view.
Guess how the overall 100+ country black ops are given targeting information?
A hint: Money has everything to do with it, and it's dynamic into very complex chains of power, that is also absorbed or obliterated, but money is always an issue, not just bank accounts, but investment accounts, assets, etc.
Let me stress, that financial intelligence world is very complex, and only one group has access to the ENTIRE financial intelligence database of the world, it is modeled with the most powerful computers and advanced software and mastery of algorithms needed for the task, and it is all IMPOSSIBLE without digital aids such as these.
This financial intelligence network runs off of global banking feeds from lower level banks, and the market neural center of which Wall Street is an example of a bond, equity, stick, security mega casino of information, a mega complex of about 20 trillion dollars in flux everyday, now extend that into the rest of the markets and periphery and we are talking a quadrillion dollar intelligence overview.
So what do they know?
As an example, while the troops are shown in an invasion, the black ops are at the bank, they are at residences of billionaires, they already know where the corporate kingpins, the banking targets, and the stashes of real assets are located, that is what is secured FIRST, in series of operations, while you see people pulling down statues of Saddam on TV, the black ops are up at the ministry of oil connecting to the network, hauling everything and anybody connected to billions in market and bank assets away.
That is where the long list of financial targets comes from, and all the dependents of them, so when these guys are "removed", the bank just transfers the wealth by a few keystrokes and mouse-clicks, because the banking system is the access zone for ALL the information of the details of the world's biggest players, and the financial intelligence system is a privately compiled and monopolized super computing and modelling system from which all main assassination, black op targets, or kidnappings and wealth "redistribution" originate as to high paying, and high power targets, globally.
The King of Truth, Our Lord and Our Saviour Jesus Christ now reveals the truth about Obama's scar.
From The Mountain Prophecies
Book Twelve Chapter Seventy-Nine
“A Fire has been kindled…and this fire will not be stopped…”
A Message from our Father in Heaven
“My Blessed Child, I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Blessed Child, do you see the fire and do you see the kindling of the fire?”
“Yes, my Father, I see the fire and I see the kindling of the fire.”
“My Little One, this is no brushfire, but a set fire, one which is being fed and fueled.”
“Yes, my Father, I see that this is so, but Father, why do You show me this fire, which is being kindled and fed, one which is growing?”
“My Little One, do you see the Darth Vader character look-a-like?”
“Yes, my Lord, I see him and this is one ugly scene; but why, Father, do You show me these things?”
“My Little One, many know of the Darth Vader character. This character is well known. But, few of you know of the Darth Vader character look-a-like.”
“Father, who is this Darth Vader character look-a-like?”
“My Little One, who sits behind the eyes of this Darth Vader character look-a-like?”
“My Lord, it is the face and the body of Barrack Obama.”
“Yes, and this is my comparison to you and to all, who read this message. This Darth Vader look-a-like sits in power over this nation.”
“But, Father, this character was evil, was wired up, programmed and controlled.”
“You speak what you know; and now I will tell you what I know. Your President, the one, who sits over this nation is a Darth Vader parallel, a very evil man, who is totally programmed and programmable. He is wicked and totally under the control of his programmers. For, much of the time during his presidency, he has been heavily drugged. There have been times when he was under such strict mind control, that he was barely seen, and others spoke for him. Many saw only the back of his head, as from front view, his blank stare would have given away his mind control.
My Little One, I am responsible for his new-found freedom, which many have witnessed since the Spring of 2011.
Barrack Obama is your first-ever totally programmed and wired up president. His callousness is a deeply-programmed cold hatred towards this nation, towards the American people, and towards all that is good and right. If he seems heartless and cold, then be sure that he is; and he will do all that he is programmed to do to hang onto power and to destroy this nation.
Since the creation of this nation, you have never had one like him, and will never have another, who is so evil. And, his wicked wife is his counterpart, and also programmed and programmable.
My Little One, you see in office, in the highest office of this land, one, who is for all practical purposes, a robotoid president. Yet, you have seen little yet; for one will take over his body, who is of total and utter darkness.
No, you have seen little yet. For, the worst is yet to come. You will see the rise of the world’s great dictator, mindless, heartless, cold and calculating, eager to destroy and eager to bring down all, who oppose him, master of deceit, tyrannical, heartless, willing to do any and all things to hold onto power. Do you see it coming?”
“Yes, my Lord, I see it. You have given me many visions of this man and who he is; but I have not written most of these visions. Through these visions, You have made it clear that Obama’s handlers are the Queen of England and the Rothschild man.”
“My Little One, a part of his brain has been surgically removed. He has no conscience. He has no concern for others, unless he has another motive, and this motive may come across as concern for others. But, there is no true concern, only a temporary interest in others for his own sake, or for his own use.
Now, My Little One, he is in power. The antichrist is in power. Will he give it up? What will he do? I tell you that He will do all in his power to hold onto the power that he has.”
end of excerpt........
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 6th day of August, 2011, Linda Newkirk
soon to posted in its entirety on