HOT: Anti-Catholic Bigots Bachmann and Perry Fingered
The New World Order gang actually wants a Perry-Bachmann evangelical, pro-Zionist, anti-Catholic ticket so as to promote wars for Israel in the Middle East, as well as to continue the imprisonment of the American People on their own soil by upgrading the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act.
Clearly homosexual in-the-closet Rick Perry is the bankers answer to a candidacy of Ron Paul who actually won the Iowa Straw Poll and had 300 votes stolen with the assistance of Rupert Murdoch Greenberg's FOX News.
Reference: Congress has already upgraded the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act giving the U.S. government and the treasonous NSA (National Security Agency), as well as illegitimate, alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, the authority to actually arrest millions of Americans and place them in FEMA detention camps without any due process whatsoever.

P.P.S. At this hour we can divulge that the daughter of our late President John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, has been in touch with U.S. Military Flag Officers from the State of Michigan who are determined to arrest the treasonous individuals who have destroyed and looted the U.S. Treasury.
Caroline has turned over new evidence implicating former U.S. President Lyndon Baine Johnson, the then Texas Speaker of the House (Texas State legislature), and, of course, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, in their direct knowledge and involvement in the assassination of her father, former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
The Michigan Flag Officers have told Caroline we will now get this Texas gang that killed your dad and we can now quote them when they stated "We won't mess with Texas, we will [redacted] it."
Item: The Michigan Flag Officers have had major authority inside the U.S. Military chain of command since the end of the Civil War.
It was the Michigan 5th Regiment outnumbered 2-1 that stormed down Round Top Hill at the Battle of Gettysburg without ammunition and proceeded to gut like a fish the entire Alabama and Texas regiments.
General George Armstrong Custer, an Irish Catholic, also killed famous Texas General Hood in hand to hand combat during the Civil War.
So you see, folks, when the Michigan Flag Officers get angry, look out!
They have told Caroline Kennedy they are going to have the State of Texas dealt with.
P.P.P.S. The corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media continue their treason by ignoring the candidacy of Ron Paul and promoting the candidacy of these two evangelical stooges Perry and Bachmann.
Misfits like George Will of ABC News, Candy Crowley of CNN, Sean Hannity of FOX News and David Gregory of NBC, they soon will be on the Michigan Flag Officers list.
Remember, folks, Ron Paul will:
Eliminate the IRS
Shut down the Federal Reserve
Get rid of the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act
and bring American troops home from Libya, Afghanistan. Iraq and Yemen
Paul will effectively end the pro Israeli Zionist neo con wars in the Middle East that have cost the U.S. Treasury $9.7 trillion.
Shut down the Federal Reserve
Get rid of the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act
and bring American troops home from Libya, Afghanistan. Iraq and Yemen
Paul will effectively end the pro Israeli Zionist neo con wars in the Middle East that have cost the U.S. Treasury $9.7 trillion.
Personal message to Keith Olbermann of Current TV: Since the Mossad-controlled neo con U.S. media won't bring out the anti-Catholic views of Bachmann and Perry I am sure we can count on you, Keith, to expose both Perry and Bachmann and their anti-Catholic hate and bigotry.
Personal note: If you are a registered Democrat in any of the 50 states you might consider re-registering temporarily as a Republican and voting for Ron Paul in the primary.
At this hour we live free or die as we continue to identify the enemies of the American Revolution in the 21st century and annihilate them.
Book of Matthew [the Jews renounce, forever, their role as the chosen people]
27:24 And Pilate...saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man
27:25 And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.
27:26 ...having scourged Jesus, delivered him unto them to be crucified
27:24 And Pilate...saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man
27:25 And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.
27:26 ...having scourged Jesus, delivered him unto them to be crucified
Although accepting free trips from lobbyists is illegal for Congress members under US anti-graft and corruption laws, the trips to Israel have been granted a special exception by the Congress.

U.S. Congresswoman Bachmann proudly serving ISRAEL
visited Israel in 1974, again in August of 2007,
again in November of 2008 (2nd from right)
and AGAIN in August of 2009

Rick Perry visited Israel in 2009 for a Defender of Jerusalem award
Help liberate America
from fascist traitors
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