Sunday, July 17, 2011

Webster Tarpley - The US On The Brink Of Default

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Webster Tarpley - The US On The Brink Of Default

Webster Tarpley : Well, the negativity is fully justified. We are in a world economic depression as in the 1930s, it comes in waves. We had the first wave in 2008 were the bankruptcy of Bear Stearns [Companies], Lehman Brothers [Holdings] and really all of Wall Street. We are no going through the second wave of the depression, on the one side, the European debt and banking crises, or the euro crises, but that is now joined by these really unnecessary crises around the dollar and the US public debt. We have a mass of fanatics inside the Republican Party; this is known as Tea Party [movement]. These are reactionaries. They are founded by extreme right-wing business men, like the Koch brothers [of Koch Industries], they want the United States to go bankrupt, they want the US to default because they figured that if the United States can no longer borrow, they would be able to destroy the social safety net that we have had left over from the new deal, that is to say Medicare, Medicaid, social security and so forth.

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