Friday, July 8, 2011

Saw the letter that Mark (Desertfalcon) is putting around about the Nevada governor trying to block his freedom of speech. Just a heads up, Mark has been siding with National and TT and not standing for states rights since around the beginning of April. I don't feel that bad for him. He brought it on himself from what I have heard. Just thought I would let you know some of the other side of the story. Nevada is cleaning house.

Saw the letter that Mark (Desertfalcon) is putting around about the Nevada governor trying to block his freedom of speech.  Just a heads up, Mark has been siding with National and TT and not standing for states rights since around the beginning of April.  I don't feel that bad for him.  He brought it on himself from what I have heard.  Just thought I would let you know some of the other side of the story.  Nevada is cleaning house.

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