Friday, July 1, 2011

Richard Boylan, Ph.D Councillor of Earth – Star Nations High Council

Has pedophilia been wiped out? Sounds like it…
Boylan’s latest, incredible escapade – sorry it’s so long, but it’s such good news!!!
Warning: Graphic content
Lew, can you test it?
Report on the new 6/29/11 Joint Psychic Exercise to Deactivate the Cabal Arch-Coven at Szczyrk, and Eliminate their Source of Power, Coming From a Cluster of off-world Dark Energy Beings (including “Satan”)
In a follow-on Exercise to my Inner Team’s stealth Joint Psychic Exercise on June 27, to deactivate the Cabal’s most powerful psy-ops unit operating on American soil – the USAF 544th Intelligence Group at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, Colorado, my Inner Team did a different Joint Psychic Exercise yesterday, June 29th, halfway around the world, and off-planet.
Again it was necessary to conduct this Joint Psychic Exercise in stealth mode, without notifying you in advance. The reason for the stealth was because we wanted to catch the Cabal’s most powerful psychics in the world unawares. I apologize for the lack of advance notice to you, but trust you will understand.
Here is the background to the situation we were addressing in yesterday’s JPE.
Ground Zero of the Cabal’s most potent and darkest psychic-attacks operations center is in the small rural town of Szczyrk, Poland, 120 miles southwest of Krakow, in the Carpathian Mountains, at a point near where the boundaries of Poland, Slovak Republic, and Czech Republic meet. The Cabal psy-war operations center consists of an Arch-Coven of 13 Super-Wizards who have been living and working in a shiny white two-story mansion/coven. That Coven mansion can be viewed at:
http://maps. maps?ll=49. 705956,19. 025715&spn= 0.00048,0. 001206&t= h&
The energy of that small town of Szczyrk is most dark. In 2009, the Youth Winter Olympics were held there. The Super-Wizards had their fellow Cabal assistants drug many of the young trim male athletes (ages 12-18) attending and sexually exploited them. The Cabal Super-Wizards are all male but not sexually interested in women. Neither are they homosexual. They are psychopathic sexual sadists: they get off on subduing a fellow male through force (because to them males are a bigger conquest challenge than females) and subjecting their young male victims to the pain, humiliation, and helpless invasion of violent sodomy. These Wizards are all about power, and to them nothing says power like forcing a fellow male to bend to their sexualized domination.
The 13 dark psychic Wizards are very developed in their skills, reincarnating repeatedly over millennia and always returning to serve as the Cabal’s psychic super-force. But most of their super-powers came from their hook-up with a cluster of dark energy beings. The Cabal’s 13 Super-Wizards derive their full malice and dark power by an alliance with some very dark energy-beings out in space who are not part of Star Nations and whom Star Nations would not allow to visit Earth. But these Wizards are part of an age-old Unholy Alliance between evil dark-energy beings in another star system and the (sub-)human Super-Wizards who channel their malice and dark energies here on Earth to re-direct them towards the Cabal’s chosen targets.
Those dark energy beings dwell in a dark star system where their star is encircled by a dark energy belt. That energy belt they inhabit is like a non-material asteroid belt. All the energy in that energy belt is dark. All the energy beings in that belt are coalescences of that dark energy and have concentrated the energy to a stage where it has consciousness – very strong evil consciousness. Those dark energies have a ringleader, an individual referred to on Earth as “Satan.”
And so our Team had two objectives for our Joint Psychic Exercise: to take out the Cabal’s Arch Coven at Szczyrk, Poland, and to disempower those strong dark-energy beings and their leader Satan.
Our Joint Psychic Exercise (with Star Nations) occurred Wednesday (29 June) at: 3 pm PDT, 6 pm EDT, 22:00 GMT/UTC, which was 12:00 midnight at Szczyrk, Poland (Central European Summer Time). When the clock struck midnight, the lights went out at the Arch-Coven. [ :) :) :) ]
I will now report my activities during the Joint Psychic Exercise. Other members of my Inner Team engaged in similar actions. They may file their own reports if they choose.
My approach was this. I smudged myself with sacred sage to start and kept a smoldering wand of sage going and protectively enveloping me with sacred smoke all during the JPE.
First I reached out and psychically severed the connective channel of dark energy that the dark energy beings were sending to the Cabal wizards on Earth.
Then, after super-shielding, I first projected myself over that white Coven building in Szczyrk, glowing faintly in the pitch blackness of midnight, Poland time. I encircled the Coven building with a super-strong metallic encasement a million times stronger than titanium, and having the property of mirror-like reflectivity on the inside. I made that encasement invisible so the Wizards could not see it there. Then I placed separate encasements of similar material and arrangement around each of the 13 individual Wizards.
Then I taunted them that they were discovered and “busted.” I thus primed the pump by provoking their first blast of anger and their sending out of retaliatory destructive energy. Sure enough it came back at them. This further enraged them and they lashed out much more strongly; which of course bounced back at them. This fusillade kept escalating.
Meanwhile I mentally projected into their consciousness the cries, fear, anger, hurt, torment, despair, etc., that all their victims all over the world have been feeling for ages and fed it back to them in a way where they could not evade personally experiencing those awful feelings in all their horrible intensity.
I then telekinetically and pyrokinetically started fires in various electrical equipment in the Coven, in various wastebaskets’ paper trash, and in the walls. Fires started spreading into the structure of the building. With electrical failure there was no light inside the building. Realize that these Wizards were awakened at midnight out of sleep, not sure if what they were experiencing was real, and by the time they determined everything was real, the fire was advancing.
Some of the Wizards in torment decided to leave the building even though they did not know if those assailing them were outside waiting for them. Others stayed inside, figuring by now their assailants knew who they were and where they operated from. Both those inside and those outside knew that I would surely put on the Internet that the Coven at Szczyrk was the prime source of the evil dark energy work that the Cabal relies on to get its way. Thus, these Wizards realized that their life work was up and that they were bested by stronger forces of the light. Their life purpose was ruined, they were exposed, and their victims would be demanding justice. A number of these newly-sobered Wizards chose to stay in the building and be overcome by smoke and heat, lose consciousness, and be consumed in the building as it burned down. They did not know that they would not be permitted to reincarnate on Earth any more. A one-way exit. Good riddance.
Then I moved out into space to that cluster of dark energy beings. I gained insight into how they had chosen the path of super-ego and turning to the dark side. These energy beings, having no perishable bodies, have existed for supernumerous eons. For billions of years they had become aware that their sun was devolving into an end-stage neutron metal dark star. (Neutron stars are dead relics that have collapsed into very small, dense spheres with tough crusts. Forces welling from within can crack the crusts during events called star quakes, similar to earthquakes. The awesome power of those quakes can blast gamma rays into space.)
Those dark energy beings had no way to escape going down with their dying sun. Rather than develop a spiritual or at least philosophical outlook on life and the purpose of existence, they chose to become bitter and resentful, to react to their fate with a “piss on everybody” attitude, and to look for opportunities to spread their misery and hate elsewhere.
When ages ago the Cabal’s super-psychics first reached out astrally and explored the cosmos for some powerful dark beings to ally with (back before Atlantis and Lemuria), these dark energy beings found an outlet for their venom by connecting with those Cabal opportunists. Rather than strike down the outreaching Cabal psychics, they forged a devil’s pact of using the Wizards as instrumentalities through which to re-radiate out their dark venomous energy to many others on the vulnerable planet Earth.
My JPE approach with the dark energy beings was this.
I first encircled that dark energy belt that is their home with an encasement of super-strong super-reflective material (as I had done to the Wizards.) I then created within their consciousness a vivid feedback of all the anguish, misery, fear, anger, despair, and horror that their victims had felt for eons, all condensed and served up in their “faces.” Encased in reflectivity, there was no escape for these energy beings from those awful vivid feedback feelings that they now faced the prospect of being steeping in for eternity.
I then surveyed the consciousness of them all and their leader “Satan.” I pointed out they had no future but endless horror and asked if they wished to end it all quickly through their dying star. They all agreed it was time for them to go. I then united with Source and Star Nations and telekinetically sent repeated huge shuddering super-waves of dynamic energy to their dark star, cracking its metal shell, generating star quakes within, destabilizing the core, and precipitating their star’s going nova state in an enormous explosion of gamma rays. The dark energy beings, being in the path of the nova blast, were reduced to subatomic particles/waveforms .
Their consciousnesses will now have to address being in quarantine by Source and serving an extraordinarily long period of opportunity for reflection on all the evil they have caused. Some might call that Hell. I would.
This concluded my efforts within the Joint Psychic Exercise, which others of my Team also participated in, along with Star Nations, Gaia, and Source.
in service to Source, Star Nations, Gaia, and Humankind,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D
Councillor of Earth – Star Nations High Council
An Afterword:
I am starting to understand why I incarnated on this planet in its wretchedness.
As head of Star Nations High Council (my previous job) I could not just go out and terminate an entire star “civilization” (sic), even one as sick as that cluster of dark energy beings encircled around their dark neutron star.
But as a member of the aggrieved population of Earth who have been victimized for millennia by the Cabal piggy-backing on the super-energy of those dark energy beings and their leader, I am within my rights as a Human to invoke the Spiritual Laws of the Protection of Man, and of Karma, and the Universal Law of Judgment, and with the assistance of my teammates and Star Nations, to rain down Judgment Day on those Cabal Super-Wizards, and on “Satan” and his dark fellow energy beings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your help. Our planet appreciates it and one day everyone will see the light and realize who is poison to us, and who is going to save us in the long run.