Friday, July 1, 2011

Obsession with the "return of Nibiru" is now at an all-time high on the Internet.

According to ancient Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki
were "gods" who were said to have visited the Earth long ago.
Popular author, Zecharia Sitchin claimed they came from
the planet, Nibiru, which is part of our own Solar System
with an extremely elliptical orbit, moving closest to Earth
every 3,600 years. He predicted it would make its next
close approach in 150 years.

Obsession with the "return of Nibiru" is now at an all-time
high on the Internet.

Regardless of Sitchin's prediction, the Nibiru-obsessed
say that this planet is careening toward us and that it will
severely disrupt the Inner Solar System, causing major
cataclysms on Earth in 2012. This belief is not supported
by any accredited astronomers.


This episode of the late-1990s TV series, "Phenomenon:
The Lost Archives," presented by Dean Stockwell investigates
the claims of Sitchin, that the Anunnaki genetically-engineered
man by splicing their own DNA with those of Homo erectus,
sometime between 50,000 and 200,000 years ago, with the
goal of producing good slaves who would follow orders and
to mine gold for the Anunnaki in Southern Africa.

In 2010, the archeological remains of what appeared to be
highly-sophisticated gold smelting operation, dated at
200,000 years ago was discovered near Maputo, South Africa.
This might lend some credence to Zecharia Sitchin's claims--
claims, which are categorically not accepted by any branch
of science that Sitchin ever challenged.


- Alexandra

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