Monday, July 18, 2011

[ladydinar] [debtarheelgirl] WORTH REPEATING - OOOOOO MY WORD I am listening live to PTR call - Tony states that - our evening is their morning verification that all the Iraq banks did have the revalue dinar rate of $4.40 on their doors has been like that for the last two days...This is the night we wake up to a rate, its out in CBI at $4.40 and being loaded to FOREX and CBI to show tomorrow morning - Stay positive as its here - the day isn't over - when CBI updates we may be down to last 6 hours of this RV appearing....and he says the $4.40 rate is to the GBP is $7.04 WOOO JESUS He says this is really it folks!!! Just because it has not shown up here doesn't mean it hasn't happened states Tony.

[ladydinar] [debtarheelgirl] WORTH REPEATING - OOOOOO MY WORD I am listening live to PTR call - Tony states that - our evening is their morning verification that all the Iraq banks did have the revalue dinar rate of $4.40 on their doors has been like that for the last two days...This is the night we wake up to a rate, its out in CBI at $4.40 and being loaded to FOREX and CBI to show tomorrow morning - Stay positive as its here - the day isn't over - when CBI updates we may be down to last 6 hours of this RV appearing....and he says the $4.40 rate is to the GBP is $7.04 WOOO JESUS He says this is really it folks!!! Just because it has not shown up here doesn't mean it hasn't happened states Tony.

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