Friday, July 8, 2011

I am also asking for affidavits of fact proving any accusations lodged against me by these renegade officials!

Important update for Nevada!
10:42 PM
The following letter was sent by the Governor of the Reoublic for Nevada in an attempt to block my Right to Freedom of Speech. Please spread this letter to every corner of the Republic. This kind of activity has to be stopped.
10:43 PM
I am also asking for affidavits of fact proving any accusations lodged against me by these renegade officials!
10:43 PM
10:44 PM
Dear Nevada Republic Members,

Please read this very important message from our Governor,  and respond as indicated at the end of the message. You may send your response to me or Louie.
If you wish to be included in the next Assembly Call, which is scheduled for this Sunday night, July 10th, please respond promptly so we can send you the call information.

Peace and Blessings to All,

Hello Republic for Nevada Members,

Over two hundred years ago, a group of concerned and frustrated live men and women were unhappy with the way things were going, the way they were being treated, and the government that was treating them that way.
 They exercised their God given, Inherent Rights and chose to lawfully assemble to create what they desired to be so for them. This included how they wanted to be treated and what kind of government they would have in place to support, insure, and protect what they created and desired.  They had a right to do this, to fight for this, and to even die for this if their conviction was strong enough.  They did not want, nor did they try to make what they created exist within the current government; a system to which they were opposed.  Nor did they go overseas to England to force what they created upon England.  They just wanted to be left alone and have their God given, Inherent Rights, Freedom, Life, and Property protected, honored, respected, and secured, while no longer being subject to the jurisdiction of the present government.

In the same spirit around a year and a half ago, another group of concerned and frustrated live men and women living on Nevada soil lawfully assembled to exercise their God given, Inherent Rights and freedom. They chose to create what they determined would be best for them, how they wanted to be treated, and what kind of government they would have to support, insure, and protect what they held dear to them.  They unanimously voted on, accepted, and adopted the two page constitution as well as other constitutions as the constitutions under which they all agreed to stand and follow.  They also voted for local live men and women indigenous to Nevada to fill the office seats laid out in that constitution.  Having thus done so, the Republic for Nevada was formally and officially created and re-inhabited!  It was a Republic that had Peace, Harmony, Do no Harm, and mutual respect for each other as its cornerstones. These live men and women also had a right to do this, to fight for this, and to even die for this if their conviction was strong enough.  They did not try to force what they created upon the existing de facto government.  They just wanted to be left alone and have their God given Inherent Rights, Freedom, Life, and Property protected, honored, respected, and secured, while no longer being subject to the jurisdiction of the opposing government.

Over the past few months, another group of live men and women living on Nevada soil exercised their God given, Inherent Rights and assembled to discuss their concerns and express their unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the current government and the 2 page constitution.  Out of this assembly the 7 page constitution was created.  This group, like the other above mentioned groups, also did not want anything to do with the existing government or be bound by its constitution.  They wanted something else, as is their right to choose.  The main difference between this group and the other previously mentioned groups is that they want and are trying to make and force what they created to be accepted and adopted by the very government they autographed into and to which they are opposed.  This is not sensible. Why would they do this?  Why would they want to even attempt to coexist and partner with people and a constitution to which they are so adamantly opposed?  Isn’t the logical choice for them to just request to be removed from the government they autographed into and took an oath to uphold, and go create their own government?

Another major difference in this scenario is the fact that when the Colonists opposed the existing form of government at that time, there were fatal repercussions.  People were imprisoned, tortured, harassed, and executed, in total violation of their Inherent, God given Rights.  In the case at hand, there are absolutely no repercussions for wanting something else and going a different way.  In fact, there is only the opposite!  There is only the honoring of their decision and the sending of Peace, Love, and Blessings to them.

Last Sunday night, yet another group of live men and women living on Nevada soil lawfully assembled to discuss their concerns about the unrest in their Republic and to express what was so for them.  Out of this assembly a number of points and truths were made and acknowledged:

-Our Local common law Constitution (2 pg) is more than just a constitution laying out how we are to do government.  It represents a mindset, a way of being, a spirit, a way of treating each other, a mutual respect for each other, a way of conducting ourselves, a way of communicating, a way of working things out, where Local people using Local common law and common sense understand that their power begins locally.  They understand this concept and truth that Local common law is superior to all other jurisdictions.

-Except for one or two newcomers, we ALL autographed the 2 page Constitution and ratified both the 12 page Constitution for Republic for Nevada Declaration of Rights and a 2 page Local common law Constitution for Republic for Nevada Settlement, and thus agreed to have these be our governing, foundational documents.

-Having autographed these documents, we are bound by their rules and procedures and concepts…which we created for ourselves, until we decide to lawfully change/amend them.

-Since we and our circumstances are always evolving, we understand that our documents will also evolve and need to be amended.  We are confident in our ability to thoughtfully and peacefully do so.

-It is a fact that Republic for the united States of America acknowledges Republic for Nevada, having accepted the three Constitutions referred to above , as the only lawful, re-inhabited Republic for Nevada that has standing with Nation, and all other forty nine (49) “free states in Union”.

-Mark Gardner, having autographed and/or ratified all three Republic for Nevada Constitutions and being bound by them, has violated them by unilaterally and unlawfully removing certain members in congress.  He, by this action and a long list of other actions, behaviors, and ways of being, which include the creating of an entirely different constitution that is in direct opposition to the ones he autographed and pledged an oath to uphold, has, by his own hand and actions, removed himself from this Republic. Nation will be immediately notified that he is no longer a member in Republic for Nevada and is to be removed from all offices held and all committees to which he previously belonged.  He is no longer a lawful representative of this Republic.

-Bret Graham has also, through his own actions, behavior, and ways of being, which include the creating of an entirely different constitution that is in direct opposition to the ones he autographed and pledged an oath to uphold, has, by his own hand and actions, removed himself from this Republic.

-Chris Cave has also, through his own actions, behavior, and ways of being, which include the creating of an entirely different constitution that is in direct opposition to the ones he autographed and pledged an oath to uphold, has, by his own hand and actions, removed himself from this Republic.

-We did not remove Mark, Bret, or Chris.  They removed themselves by simply not choosing to align with this Republic and its already ratified constitutions.  It is neither sensible nor acceptable for any individual or group of individuals to try and force an entirely different agenda, governance, and constitution on a body of people who have already agreed to and chosen, by autographs, already existing constitutions.  History and logic would show that the correct, honorable, mature, honest, and appropriate thing to do is for them to simply exercise their God given, Inherent Rights and freedom to choose what they want by resigning from this Republic for Nevada and starting their own.

-It is clear that these three individuals and perhaps a few others are not happy in this Republic.  It is also clear that there are irreconcilable differences.  The only logical choice and resolution for peace is for each to build and follow what each believes to be the correct model for government and path.

-For those who wish to leave this Republic, leave.  Peace and Blessings be with them.  For those who want to stay in this Republic, stay.  Nobody is forcing anyone to remain in or leave this Republic.  It’s YOUR Choice.
At this point, please simply let me know which government you choose to support, so we can update our records and database to include you in our next assembly call.  I await your response.

Freedom of choice is AWESOME!!

To Our Almighty Freedom and Peaceful Coexistence,

Louis Schneidman, Governor for Republic for Nevada

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