Sunday, July 10, 2011

Get your Money out of The Banks Now !!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Get your Money out of The Banks Now !!!!

STOP using these BANKS! GET A CREDIT UNION ACCOUNT!!! In this case All the Bank had to do was to look up the information on his closed bank account and see that a check was issued by Chase in that amount.

And the man's car was towed and sold at auction in the few days that he was in jail?! WTH?

And Chase did nothing until this guy's attorney contacted them ONE year later? This is such a damn shame! This is definitely a case where the man needs to sue and for a lot of money, The banks look at anybody trying to cash a check or get his money out of their coffers as a thief , they see your money deposited in their bank as their property and it is harder and harder to get it out of their , I cannot believe the stupid people that are still keeping their life savings at the banks for a 1% interest and they believe it is safe there ???? good luck trying to get your money from any bank these days they will treat you like a criminal and interrogate you as if you are in a police station or worse

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