Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dinar Intel Update 7-8-11

Dinar Intel Update 7-8-11

Just a note to let you know that after looking at what has been posted today, I have found nothing new. There are bank stories of some people cashing in, but they are not verified and other people saying those are not true. So, I'm sure you all are tired of the roller coaster ride, as we are, so I will not pass on any of those. They are available at various sites. and are 2 good sites for summaries of postings from all over if you want to go check them out. The calls from last night said it all.

The status of the RV in my opinion is that it has happened and now we are waiting for the rate to show up on the screens worldwide. Then we will have a true revaluation of the Iraqi dinar and we will have instructions on how we are to cash in and information on any special taxes, regulations, etc. Until then all is rumor. Even intel is just information that hasn't been proven yet. I have confidence in the sources of intel I have found, who are depending on intel they have received from people in high levels of banking, government, and military, here and in Iraq. Even the iraqi news is controlled by the iraqi gov. so it can't really be depended on.

So be patient, folks. I know it is hard but it's all we can do. We can't make it happen any faster, it will happen when it happens. Hopefully it will happen in the next few days, and there is good reason to think it will, but let us put our trust in God for each our individual circumstances. He will carry us through this if we depend on Him. Make your post rv plans, find your professionals to help you with your finances and taxes, try to enjoy your life and the people in your life. If something significant happens, I will pass it on as soon as I can. If you hear something, let me know too. God bless you and have a great weekend! ~~s.

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