'Suicide cult driving US econ. to abyss'un A suicide cult is driving the US economy off the cliff by keeping the United States in a perpetual state of war and by “eviscerating” the middle class, says an economic analyst.
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“The only way you can rationalize what the American policy makers are doing is to see it in the context of a suicide cult,” Max Keiser said in an interview with Press TV.
“What we are witnessing is the US effectively committing financial suicide. You'd have to compare [it with] maybe a death cult like Jim Jones in Guyana who convinced the entire population of the cult to drink the cyanide-laced Kool-aid and to kill themselves,” he added.
The finance critic argued that US policy makers want "to continue invading countries, blow through trillions of dollars that they don't have, while simultaneously gutting all the manufacturing capacity in the country and destroying the food supplies with chemicals and genetically modified products (GMO), guaranteeing that most of the Americans today will come down with cancer in the next five to ten years from GMO foods, cell phones and anything else that America excels at."
He said the objectives of these policies are to steal the wealth of the US middle class and to make “the entrenched oligarchy and kleptocrats that are in charge of the country richer than ever before.”
Keiser pointed out that US President Barack Obama is playing a key role in this process which is “the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the US, [one which is] creating a permanent underclass with no jobs, living on food stamps and... people on the verge of rioting in the streets.”
The analyst also accused Obama of abandoning US citizens, saying that the president is “like a captain who has left the ship.”
Keiser predicted a gloomy outlook for the US economy, adding that Americans should expect higher food and energy prices, with the poverty rates also rising.
On Thursday, Moody's Investors Service warned that it might review the US for a possible credit downgrade amid concerns about the current national debt crisis coming to more than USD 14.4 trillion.
Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo Co. may be downgraded by Moody's, the provider of credit ratings and research covering debt instruments and securities, as the rating firm reviews whether the government will limit its support of the largest financial firms.
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6/4/2011 3:53:00 AM
The US government and Israel have deliberately destroyed the economy. For more great insight check out infowar dot com. also vote for ron paul 2012.
6/3/2011 6:27:25 PM
The word is "china" or the "far east".I bought what i thought was a "all american fbl shirt and baseball cap",only to find the shirt made in vietnam and the hat made in china.I would pay the extra for all american but companies are moving jobs for short term profits to the far east causing high unemployment in the west.America also spends more on weapons and war another folly.
John Fitzgerald
6/3/2011 3:42:40 PM
It is erroneus to call a planned massacre a "suicide cult"
John Fitzgerald
6/3/2011 3:42:40 PM
It is erroneous to call a planned massacre a "suicide cult"
Cult of Zionism
6/3/2011 11:41:26 AM
This is the same evil CULT that has OCCUPIED PALESTINE and US for 60 years and brought nothing but RUIN to both and now the Zionists are literally sucking the life of of deadbeat US with scams, wars, paranoia and hate-peddling. Americans really need to turn off CNN/FOX and take their country back from this devil cult.
Ashrafin reply to Cult of Zionism
6/3/2011 2:08:00 PM
Well said! It is time for Americans elect officials that serve American interests not Israeli's, it is time that America stop fighting Israeli enemies, it is time to put and end for this illegal wars that has bank rubbed America and is killing American soldiers to fight Israeli's and Zionits interest ! It is time for Americans to stop bully of the Middel East!!!It America fight bullies at school ,r they going to support international bully called Israel?
American Girl
6/3/2011 11:15:08 AM
The problem we are facing is not a “suicide cult” but rather a “murder cult” conducted by members of AIPAC and the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank. Bush and Obama are puppets who dance to the music of the Mazal Tov. Hollywood, the media and even the internet has been taken over by these people and America will be turned into the new Palestine.
rotten childin reply to American Girl
6/3/2011 6:44:40 PM
The Elites are all unified as one big happy inbred family. There is no room for the cults to move up to elite.The cults (lieutenant) are already at war, the Israel Zionis, Jews AIPAC, Jews Bankers are at war with non Jewish Bankers as now happening at Goldman Sach, the conspiracynof Dominique Strauss-Kahn. These cults are just tools of the Elites. Their usefullness is now gone, soon they will be disposed of.
John Ellis
6/3/2011 10:03:08 AM
Actually, those who rule America, do not live in America --- and it all started in 1776. For the rich nobility of England, France and Spain decided to create an Empire, a joint venture called the U.S. Republic. Whereupon, the American Indian was ethnic cleansed to near extension, cheep labor sweatshop factories were established in all the big city slums, a booming slave-labor economy evolved into a “Military Industrial Complex,” and through it all the rich nobility gloried in their wealth.
rotten childin reply to John Ellis
6/3/2011 6:29:14 PM
The US has sprouted it's own inbred nobilities that is now married to the sick elite families, there are Asians too. So why are we all murdering and killing off each other?. All we are doing is providing cheap entertainment for te elites, these sick evil people all laughh at us so called peasent!. As if they were born from the sperm of God.
phoenix500in reply to John Ellis
6/3/2011 12:37:37 PM
SO right. All the proof is right before everyones eyes, they just don't know where to look or are willing to take the time needed, in it's conception america is Apollo, the ultimate destroyer,it is to be sacrificed, but will guarantee the full power & existence of the european family tradition & church for another 2000 yrs. as there won't be anyone to oppose them, jew went first, now time for the "others" to go, the asherah sacrifice at the rock
6/3/2011 9:27:21 AM
Ummmmm maybe they should stop spending their money on killing people??????
6/3/2011 9:13:40 AM
(In response to Rotten Child)I know what happened in Germany and Spain. But this does not explain why the US is poisoning its own people, making sure they are in a perpetual state of poverty and sickness. Look at how they treat their war veterans, or how they have neglected the 9/11 first responders, or the people of the Gulf who are dieing because of the poison that is being sprayed in the ocean. I just don't buy this is just money motivated.
6/3/2011 8:11:21 AM
I agree with Max that this is a massive transfer of wealth, but there has to be more to it than just more money for the elite. Are they trying to bring in the global currency? Is this part of the human depopulation program? Because surely you do not destroy your own country for just a few pieces of silver. Non of this makes any logical sense.
rotten childin reply to Benjamin69
6/3/2011 8:41:02 AM
The global currency is just a distraction, look at the great loss to elite when all countries trades in equal unified medium. Nonesense!.There are too many middle class that knows more than needed, learn what happened to Germans middle class after US took over, go back further and look at Spain too.Same old trick, different era.
Keiser's the King!
6/3/2011 7:19:22 AM
In exposing the fraudulent activities made by the so called "Elite-Economists", Max Keiser is the Caesar!Bravo....keep up the good work.
rotten childin reply to Keiser's the King!
6/3/2011 8:44:11 AM
looks like Keiser got promtion to peddle silver instead of nut crackers. What a joke!.
wake up
6/3/2011 6:51:48 AM
To all patriots american,wakeup and see who has stolen your country from you.Also your Constitutions/freedom.Ask your self where all your Taxes goes n all your goverment borrowing goes.Yet you have most riches people and companies .why you have so much poor peoples in your country. did you know that every Israelis get $15,000 from your tax Dollar,and all your rich people n your companies pay billions$ in charity to Israel,why your goverment wants your suffering to benefit another country
Robbanin reply to wake up
6/3/2011 9:15:11 AM
As long as there's about 70 million american voters who believes in the state of Israel as God's chosen people,and that they are recieving blessing by God as long as they are supporting that state, we will always have that kind of government i the US. Those voters are the so kalled "christian zionists", the theology they embrace promotes perpetual wars in the middle east. There wiew of the coming "Armageddon" is seriously wrong. Se http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODwSdugsvJg
rotten child
6/3/2011 6:38:42 AM
It's the same old tactic used by Elites in WW2. Germany once the world's leading economy and was forced into multiple wars with many nations. US gained supremecy over Germany. Same game is happening with US Now!. China is being prepared to take over as next super power. Nothing new here, So sad Mankind has never learned the sick tricks of the Elites. Billions more innocent lives will die in this event.
6/3/2011 6:11:58 AM
The are compelled to take every advantage and do not known when enough is enough. They are their own worst enemy. They take everything to extremes: Hollywood, Wall Street, Middle East. The instigators are the investment banks, think tanks, experts, journalists, reporters, media moguls and producers... all jewish. And then they cry "antisemitism" and wonder why they are become "victims" !!!!
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