Friday, June 10, 2011

RV Recipe; The ingredients show up in June! Posted By: Debbie - 06/02/2011 09:05

ConnectwithScott: RV Recipe; The ingredients show up in June!
Posted By: Debbie - 06/02/2011 09:05
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June 2nd – 3rd
WTO Ascension Day

Iraq has Met Requirements for full Membership

Quote: “(according to this article) Iraq is set for full membership”

Thoughts: Iraq has been working diligently for over 5 years to qualify for their WTO status to ascend from “Observer” status to “Full Member” status. According to the title of the article, Iraq has met the requirement for this ascension. The next WTO Ascension Date is June 2-3, 2011. If their status is upgraded, this is HUGE for Iraq!!!!

June 7th
Maliki’s 100 Days Ends

Quote: “Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki gave government ministers 100 days to deliver results and eliminate corruption or be fired.”

Thoughts: This is HUGE also!    At the end of the “100 Days” Makili can review individual members of Parliament and if it is found that they have not done their job, they can be fired. By the same token, if Makili is found to not have done his job, there can be a vote of “No-Confidence” and he could be removed from power. This is HUGE because both sides have a lot to lose, which provides a great deal of incentive to accomplish the tasks set before them!

June 13th
Iraqi Parliament returns from its 1 month holiday

Quotes: “end of the vacation the Iraqi parliament in the June 13”

Thoughts: This “vacation” is very significant. While Parliament is in session, there are rules, protocols & procedures in place that are very long and drawn out (which is why, in my opinion, very little gets done). However, the members of Parliament are working feverishly right now. We see article after article of closed door, private meetings where much is being accomplished. These guys are under a ton of pressure because of the 100 Days, the removal of the UN Sanctions (after existing under them for 20 years) return of the DFI Funds and the removal of those protections. None of these guys are on a beach with a drink with an umbrella in it right now, don’t let the word “holiday” fool you.)

June 13th
Barzani seeks resolution between blocs and security ministries by June 13th

Quote: “A meeting was held between several Iraqi political parties to discuss the candidates file security positions but not at the official level,” noting that he “is not expected that the resolution of the file before the end of the vacation the Iraqi parliament in the June 13”

Thoughts: Although the members of Parliament are getting a tremendous amount done while they are on “holiday”, they have to be “in session” n order to legally cast their votes and pass things into law. This is why we will most likely see the seating of the ministers upon their return session on June 13th.

June 13th – 15th
Oil Gas & Power Conference

Quote: “This is the ONLY event in the WORLD where you have the opportunity to examine current and forecasted economics of Iraq’s power capacity requirements - it’s not just another Oil & Gas conference”

Thoughts: This is a HUGE international conference held in Turkey to discuss Iraq and all of its power capacity, requirements, oil, natural gas, electricity, etc and the economic ramifications thereof. This is a HUGE and very significant conference as it is the Gate-Keeper into those most promising industries in Iraq.

June 15th
United Nations remaining Sanctions officially end against Iraq
6 Months after the majority of the sanctions were removed on Dec, 15, 2010

Thoughts: According to the release of the majority of United Nations Sanctions in Dec. 15th, 2010, they gave Iraq 6 months to close the Iraqi/Kuwaiti file which ends on June 15. With the closing of this file is removal of the remaining UN Sanctions against Iraq. This is HUGE!!!! Iraq has been under trade sanctions since 1991. Imagine 20 years of limited or very restricted international trading and it all ends on June 15th! We have seen news article and news article showing the multiple and enormous deals that Iraq has made with company after company after June 15th they will be able to implement ANY international deal that they see fit to enter into. THIS is beyond HUGE!!!!

June 15th
CBI Promises IMF it will complete restructuring of the nations’ two largest banks by Mid-June

Quote: “In the memorandum, published on the IMF website, Iraq also said it aimed to complete a restructuring of its two largest state banks by mid-June 2011.”

Thoughts: This is also HUGE!!! These two banks do about 90 – 95% of the banking in Iraq. They are being “restructured”, cleaning house and zeroing out their balance sheets. This is being funded by the IMF.   So, they are basically reevaluating 90% of their banking system. This is HUGE!!!!

June 22nd - 23rd
APEC Finance Ministers’ Process Conference:
The Framework and Options for Public and Private Financing of Infrastructure


Quote: “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Finance Ministers,… In this context, in co-sponsorship with the United States Treasury, which is chairing the APEC Finance Ministers’ process in 2011, the World Bank is organizing a conference on Public and Private Financing of Infrastructure. This is expected to be attended by delegates from 21 member economies and the ADB, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)”

Thoughts: This is an economic meeting of epic proportions! This is basically a who’s who of power players in the economic world with a meeting already scheduled to take place this month!!! As the effects on the world stage of an Iraqi RV would affect the economies of the world I see this meeting and its timing as being very “coincidental”

June 30th
Central Bank assisted by IMF and World Bank to end the debt file (in June)

Quote: “The central bank of Iraq that Iraq will use IMF and World Bank to end the file of commercial debt after the end of the Trusteeship internationalism on Iraqi funds in June.”

Thoughts: This is also HUGE!!! This is saying that by the end of June Iraq will have “settled all Commercial Debt”. This is HUGE because on June 30th, the DFI (Development Fund Iraq) protection ends. That protection simply ensures that no country that feels that Iraq owes money to can try to get that money from that DFI Fund. According to this article the CBI intends to pay all outstanding debts before that protection expires!

June 30th
CBI Letter of Intent to the IMF (Due end-June)

Quote: “we also remain firmly committed to containing current government spending, in the event that by end-June 2011 our oil export revenues turn out to be higher than our projection of $30.5 billion, we plan to save half of the additional revenues to rebuild our financial buffers, while using the other half (up to a limit of $5 billion) to finance additional investment to improve the delivery of basic public services.”

Thoughts: This is HUGE also! It states that the CBI is committed to containing GO spending so that they can stay within the parameters of their budget. There have been numerous articles that state that, based on oil production of currently 2.25 – 2.7 MILLION Barrels per Day and an average cost of over $100 per barrel, that Iraq will enjoy an estimated 12% growth in its economy this year and will enjoy a surplus rather than a deficit. That is HUGE!!!! At a time when the majority of other countries are on the edge of bankruptcy Iraq is growing and profitable!!!

June 30th
Iraqi economy is starting from next June and a clear movement

Quote: “adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that "the economy of Iraq starting next June Movement and clear," he said, adding that "the investment budget allocated by the Government equal to 30% of the general budget and 20% of GDP, and this alone is enough to bring about positive changes in trends local markets.”

Thoughts: This article was written in January, 2011. Even back then they KNEW that, this month, JUNE would be the “Dawn of a New Day” in the New Iraq! As Dinarians, we may think that there have been stall after stall, delay after delay. This article indicates that we are in fact right on schedule and exceeding projections!!!

June 30th
Resolution 1956 – Development Fund for Iraq Resolution / Protection Ends

Quote: “Resolution 1956 formally terminates the arrangements established in 2003 for the Development Fund for Iraq on June 30, 2011, as a result of Iraq’s progress towards resolving debts and claims inherited from the previous regime and establishing accountable successor arrangements for the transition of the Fund.”

Thoughts: This is HUGE!!! Since 2003 everything that Iraq has sold, along with all of the assets collected from the former regime has been deposited into these accounts. If they met certain parameters and requirements, they could get allowances from this account from time to time to develop the country. On JUNE 30th Iraq regains control of all of these funds with no further restrictions as further trades, deals, incomes and profits of their current ventures with no requirements or supervision!!!  In addition to the DFI Protection ending on June 30th, the EO 13303 United States Protection of the DFI funds ends also! WOW!

All of that published information all clearly states that this is an extremely significant, “game changing”, empowering, month for Iraq!!!! The combination of all of these events and significant dates is mind blowing!

Does it mean that Iraq will RV this month? Time will tell…

What caused the current value of the IQD. Once the US invaded Iraq in 2003 and the harshest UN Sanctions in world history were imposed on Iraq and they were unable to sell their oil which makes up 90 – 95% of their GNP, the value of their currency tanked. If the world could not have Iraq’s oil, then they sure had no use of Iraq’s money.

Now, in the month of JUNE every reason why their currency devalued is being overcome which only stands to reason that, with all of the reasons that devalued the currency gone, the currency would revalue again!

-- Comments --
 re: ConnectwithScott: RV Recipe; The ingredients show up in June!
Posted By: Debbie - 06/02/2011 09:23
Thanks for sharing Scott......I agree with everything you said plus other good things coming out the last few days makes June a Great Month - HUGE!

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