or the united States of America
From the Desk of the President
Republic Security ID #: RP208703133RuSA
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Regarding: William Dale Foust
Fellow Americans,
It is with deep regret that I have the duty to inform members of the
Republic of the following incident. On June 19, 2011, a good friend and colleague
was shot and killed by a Page Arizona deputy. Arizona Chief Justice William Dale
Faust, “Bill”, as he liked to be called, was a great inspiration to many in our
Republic. He was always willing to go the distance to help his fellow man in the
Republic, and he will be sorely missed.
I am concerned this incident could cause a negative impact within the
Republic. Some may fear for themselves and others. Many feel angry and may
want revenge and justice. This is understandable but this was an isolated incident
and will not cause any problems for others in the Republic. This incident is being
fully investigated by our American Rangers as well as several other law
enforcement agencies. The accurate facts of the investigation are not known as
yet but will be made available as we receive them. I have requested assistance
from the United States Department of Justice to fully investigate and give us the
real facts. Please do not make any presumptions about this incident as we do not
know the truth. I ask you to continue to practice peace and forgiveness and pray
not only for Bill and his family but also the officer who was involved. We must love
our fellow man even in these difficult times. Bill practiced love and peace
throughout his life and encouraged us to as well.
In prayer early this morning I asked the Lord to give me something to help
many in the Republic who knew and loved Bill get through this tough time. The
Lord shared with me that although Bill is no longer with us he will not be forgotten.
Generations from now Bill will be remembered as the first martyr of the reinhabited Republic for the United States of America. He was a hero who stood for
what he believed in and gave all that he had for the cause of freedom.
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James TimothyTurner
CharlesEugene Wright
Vice President
Senate Pro Tem
Speaker of the House
Secretary of State
Secretary of Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
VernonDarrell Jones
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Health and
Human Services
Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
ThomasJefferson JenkinsIV
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Security
Secretary of Environmental
Protection Agency
Ryan Burris
Secretary of Office of
Management & Budget
United Nations Ambassador
Republic Chief Ambassador
Secretary of Department of
Public Debt
Chief Ranger &
Republic Records Bureau
Postmaster General
Press Office Number:
(269) 978-5630
Press@Republicoftheunitedstates.orgI personally believe that in large part it may have been the reason he was
killed instead of being arrested. We will adamantly pursue lawful justice through
the legal system but not revenge. Because of Bill’s sacrifice the Republic will be
galvanized and unified like never before. We will forgive but we will never forget.
We will miss you Bill.
God also gave me a message for those of you who have concerns about
our Republic. He showed me a single flower growing up through a small crack in a
sidewalk. The flower was white with a yellowish tint and in full bloom. The Lord
said to let the People of the Republic know that it doesn’t matter the hardships
we face or obstacles we must overcome. He has planted the seed of this Republic
and no matter what is thrown at us we will not only take root but will grow and
flourish. As the flower overcame the concrete that tried to withhold it from
sprouting the Republic will overcome all obstacles and be successful because this
is HIS Republic. We may be in a hard place due to the power of the de-facto
government that seems to care little for the law or the American People. We will
overcome their violence and oppression as we blossom with patience, peace and
love. We will show this world the power that comes from abiding in these
attributes of our Creator. There is no force in the universe that can overcome
these three things. The battle is spiritual not physical and will be won by spiritual
warfare. I call all prayer warriors in this Republic to battle stations. It is time to get
serious before the Lord and win this battle. The victory is ours if we only take hold
of it by faith. We are being severely tested during this time but it will pass. If we
remain faithful to these principles even in these hard times God is faithful and will
deliver this Republic into its proper place among the governments of the world.
Continue in faith and be blessed.
James Timothy Turner - President
The Republic for the united States of
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