Global Settlements (Prosperity Programs) – Radical Economy Reboot Impending? (Listen To This Call!)

Or if that doesn’t load up, here is the call in two parts:
“The largest monetary shift in the history of the world is taking place now.“
This is real-time (almost) info about the planned GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS and DEBT FORGIVENESS.
You will not (yet) hear this on the six o’clock news (or maybe one day soon you will). As one of the guys on the call said “We are living in one of the most historical moments in all of time.”
This is what is being planned:
- $47+ (or $60 trillion?) trillion dollars about to be released to 140+ countries
- Debt forgiveness
- Abundance for the common man
- The new treasury notes are ready to go
- The masses of derivatives to become worthless (well that’s not a surprise as they could not all be called in at once anyway, if that’s the right term, due to the large no of them)
- Gold going way up in value
- Doing away with fiat currencies (ie paper money) and only have money backed by metal eg gold
- Re-valuing the Iraqi Dinar, the first currency to be re-valued in this plan
- The demise of the Federal Reserve (amen)
- “The only people against this plan are the Illuminati”
- “Obama will lose his job and he is not in favour of it” (ie this whole plan)
- This plan is imminent – the Iraqi dinar is supposed to have happened last night (18 January 2011)
- And more great news.
- Debt forgiveness
- Abundance for the common man
- The new treasury notes are ready to go
- The masses of derivatives to become worthless (well that’s not a surprise as they could not all be called in at once anyway, if that’s the right term, due to the large no of them)
- Gold going way up in value
- Doing away with fiat currencies (ie paper money) and only have money backed by metal eg gold
- Re-valuing the Iraqi Dinar, the first currency to be re-valued in this plan
- The demise of the Federal Reserve (amen)
- “The only people against this plan are the Illuminati”
- “Obama will lose his job and he is not in favour of it” (ie this whole plan)
- This plan is imminent – the Iraqi dinar is supposed to have happened last night (18 January 2011)
- And more great news.
Sheldan Nidle said India, China, Russia, Brazil, Belgium and some other countries were pushing for a new fairer economy which aligns with the info in the call below. So indications are hopeful for this all to actually be happening.
(Thanks to for the next three paragraphs below).
~~ Start of Article ~~
Global Settlements Anyone?
I wish to point you to a conference call which was recorded yesterday [18 January 2011]. I believe many of you will find this 90 minute call very helpful in learning about what is called “Global Settlements”. It was set up and involves people from “the GET Team”, a group that is involved with sharing information about the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. NEVER would I have expected to hear a call like this from that group. Mostly Christian-oriented, and many with perhaps a rather “conservative” and even “right-wing” slant, when their guests began describing how George H. W. Bush had stolen trillions of dollars intended to be paid as reparations for countries the “U.S.” had harmed, I recall hearing a perceptible “GASP”.
Okay, so just as a prelude to the call, if you choose to listen, it describes how the revaluing of the Iraqi dinar is only one of a “basket” of currencies that are being revalued at the same time. This is being arranged by groups that have been working on this for decades. The “global settlements” include these currency revaluations, debt forgiveness among various countries, and essentially a world-wide “reset” (re-boot) of the global economy. Guaranteed there is more to follow, but this is an essential step to bring about world prosperity, prosperity in a visible way, for all, for every citizen of this planet.
Here are the links to the call, and you may listen for yourself. Remember that mostly these are rather “normal” people, who are involved in a more traditional “American” way of life, and probably have little understanding of the GRAND Galactic Program that this is all part of. But I found the questions were excellent, and like those many of us might ask. Try to listen with an open, non-judgmental mind.
Or if that doesn’t load up, here is the call in two parts
click here
click here
~~ End of Article ~~
I really encourage you to listen to this call. It’s a bit involved, but this is having your finger on the pulse of the enormous global monetary system changes!
Although there is no spiritual or Ascension element in this conversation (it’s pretty 3D), it is real-time information about the world global settlements. These guys also are obviously on the same page re the general money fraud, fiat currency, Fed Reserve, Illuminati, unfair taxes, etc.
Btw, how can one family (Rothschilds) be worth $200 trillion? HUH??? Leuren Moret, whistleblowing scientist said the Queen owns $330 trillion of land. So it does seem that Leuren is right – just a handful of people actually own the world. That’s why these prosperity programs have got to happen - we have to have wealth distributed. NOONE needs even loads of millions, let alone trillions. GREED must be outed in these people who can only have accumulated such wealth by ripping others off illegally (and I don’t think that’s exaggerating facts), they must be tried for crimes, and the common man must be given a fair share so that people are externallyequal, to mirror the truth of our internal equality, as it were. Noone needs to live in a house lined with gold and diamonds. And this world should not have a few ‘haves’ whilst the majority are paupers. Most people know this. But the ‘haves’ may resist.
It seems we have a lot to thank China for (Note Benjamin Fulford’s statements re the ‘good’ secret societies helping the push towards a fairer world.)
The missing angles to this global settlement plan (IMHO) are the return to Common or Constitutional Law and the removal of illegal taxes, mortgages and loans (unless I missed it in the call). (And in case you’re wondering – yes they are illegal, but that’s a subject of its own). One step at a time I guess.
Lastly – I’m listening whilst writing – in the latter part of the call, one of the chaps even mentions the St Germain’s World Trust Fund! I’d begun to wonder if this was just some channelled info that may not be true. But to hear someone here talk of it as being a fund of ‘trillions and trillions of dollars’ is truly encouraging. This is what I have personally been hoping for. But of course we still need more concrete info re the St Germain Fund.
And here’s an interesting post by Steve Beckow about NESARA but (incl a look at SaLuSa and other messages about ascension).
And further, here’s some info on NESARA, history, background, updates.
So Global Financial Settlements? Prosperity? A global reset? Level playing field? Redistribution of the world’s wealth?
MAY IT BE SO! It is sorely needed.
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