Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't Rush the "Harvest" By Dinar Daddy

Don't Rush the "Harvest"

By Dinar Daddy
I remember posting quite some time ago about the "great bleed"that was allowed to happen throughout the world and in the world markets in late 2008 and throughout 2009. I shared that, similar to Noah and his Ark, the world was allowed to drown so it could renew itself once again. The difference being, this was the "Monetary and Economic World" I was referring to.
Well, this post shares more of my thoughts about all this, and, once again, reveals a discussion that many have been taught to disbelieve or even question due to so many other opinions on the subject to the contrary. I'm here to challenge your minds, and to suggest that maybe we have it all wrong in our understanding of the Dinar, and that maybe... just maybe... something different is going on.

Have you ever wondered why so many supposed well-connected, good meaning people continue to be wrong in their predictions and "intel' about the Dinar? Dates, rates, information, and so on all come up short time and again. I have a theory as to why that has been shared with me by certain people, and I feel it's worthy of a discussion, or at least consideration as more information being thrown into the "info share" pot. As always, I'm open to being wrong in my thoughts.
Continuing on with my post in the 13th publication of The Weekly Tidbit last week where I discussed the banks and their potential unwilling, yet necessary role that requires them to participate in this massive and coming economic change throughout the world in order for all this to work, my suggestion within this post helps further strengthen that argument, and further explains why it could take the RV a little longer than people think to materialize. Again, when you take in the big picture, you may find it all makes sense. If not, then it doesn't really matter. This is simply a concept I've been mulling over based on information I've received, and on my own thoughts that seem to make sense in my mind. Whether they translate on paper is another story... we'll see.
First off, the concept my post questions is the following: The more Dinar printed, the less valuable the currency will be. In my opinion, due to the unique nature of this currency, and due to the critical time in our world, it's my belief the OPPOSITE is true, and in fact the OPPOSITE is happening before our very eyes. I believe the world is getting "seeded" with Iraqi Dinar, and by this happening greater faith in Iraq in the future is assured, and a more spectacular position will be facing Iraq as it takes its place amongst the world's greatest countries. In fact, it's even possible it's being positioned to take the place of the Dollar. So, continuing on with my thoughts...
There are two sides to my theory, not surprisingly the two players are Iraq and the United States. All other countries, though certainly gaining on a governmental level, don't have significant enough investors to really make a major splash in the world markets like the US does. Either way, the whole world will benefit, so enough of my rambling... time to get to the point.
The Iraqi Side:
I've read and heard so many articles from naysayers stating there are too many Dinar holders within the US and throughout the world, and that the more that is held by investors, the less likely this investment will ever pay off. I'm here to say I personally believe that line of thinking is FALSE!
I believe Iraq is "winning" RIGHT NOW, and setting their country up to "win" LATER by continuing to sell Dinar to "the West". Here's how:
  1. They "win" RIGHT NOW by obtaining a continual incoming cash stream of Dollars (mainly) daily that they can use to run their governmental needs. They have a finely tuned system that involves very few "sources" who provide access to continual shipments of Dinar from Iraq through Dubai and then to the US.
  2. They "win" LATER when the overwhelming masses of Dinar return at a later point through various means (i.e. Petro Dinar deals, cash on the streets and throughout Iraq, investment interest in their country from literally millions of investors around the globe who feel an affinity toward their country for making them rich, and so on).
  3. They control the flow back to Iraq so they can handle and manipulate inflation, but make no mistake about it, the above two scenarios are legitimate pieces of their game plan.
The U.S. Side:
Now this is a bit more complicated, as it involves the disgruntled banks I discussed last week. You see, the US needs the banks' cooperation and involvement, but the US Treasury isn't particularly kind towards the banks in this assertive effort that actually SUPPORTS the citizens holding Dinar believe it or not. There are three scenarios to consider when reviewing this theory of mind; the players being the US Treasury, the Banks, and the U.S. Investors(over 3 million strong at present and growing daily).
  • The US Treasury : Contrary to popular opinion, there's a reason the US President continues to extend Presidential Order 13303. It is my opinion the US Treasury (contrary to the banks' wishes) wants as many US citizens to hold Dinar that is reasonable. Why? Because we ARE the stimulus package! The investment dollars, taxes, and money spent alone from over 3 million strong would place the US right back where it once was and beyond once this thing pops, not to mention the initial one-time pop the foreign currency reserves of the US Treasury will create once added to the balance sheet held by the US Government. Though the massive amount of Dinar held by the US Treasury is significant, it's NOTHING compared to the impact we as consumers, employers, and tax payers will have on the country. It's the "teach men to fish versus feed them for a day" principle. The US is making effort to position itself for millennia to come, and we're on the cusp of financial disaster. This is a serious issue! It's my opinion the US Treasury wouldn't mind that number of investors to double or triple over the next year before this thing starts to move.
  • The Banks : It's my opinion the banks are very conflicted about all of this. Why? Well, the main reason is that they aren't in control of this move. They don't have sufficient regulations protecting their involvement in the selling of a foreign currency that's on the OFAC list that is not internationally recognized. Plain and simple, it's too risky for much of the large international banks to participate in anymore. So, they are left sitting outside looking in, just hoping we as investors will deposit our money with them, and watching the Dinar Dealers getting fatter. They want to be positioned and given preferential treatment by the US Government (i.e. US Treasury) and they aren't getting it right now. This, as I stated in last week's article, could very well be the hold-up pertaining to creating the perfect roll-out plan for the RV.
  • U.S. Investors: Well, we continue to sit and wait as the big boys get their act together. I will pay my taxes, thank my government for giving me this opportunity, and hope and pray my rather optimistic theory of my government is close to accurate... lol! We have an opportunity here in this investment to make a massive difference in the world. That is WHY I've dedicated my time, talents, abilities, knowledge, and platform to the assistance of every other investor. It is through all of us that we can build a greater future for our children, our community, our country, and our world.
I am grateful to be part of this great "SEEDING" of the earth (economically and financially speaking) once again. It's possible we are very close, but that term "soon" comes to haunt me time and again within this investment. Remember, relatively speaking, "soon" is indeed upon us. Could that mean a day, week, month, year, or more? Only time will tell. One thing is for certain in my mind... we're witnessing change despite not necessarily seeing it manifest yet... just wait... the once great "bleed" has now become the massive"seed"... which will bring us a massive harvest where we will all "feed" (RV).
Go Theories... Go Patterns... Go "Feed"... Go Dinar!
Dinar Daddy

Uncle Sam Wants You.....

or At Least Your Money!!

By David Kauwe
You work all your life to get ahead. You scrimp and save and save and scrimp to make things a little easier for your retirement and your kids.
My Mom and Dad worked for the same company for almost 20 years. They took their lunches to work for 20 years. They saved a ton of money on eating out. They socked away money in their 401-Ks. They planned for a wonderful retirement together. Only one thing they didn't expect, my Dad's early death due to cancer in 1992. I learned a lot during the weeks that followed. I helped my Mom settle the estate, get through a tough time and generally was just there to comfort her.
Here's some of the things I learned:
A Will had to go through Probate!
Certain investments were also subject to the probate process!
Certain investments were both Income and Estate Taxable!
Tax-Favored Retirement Accounts were the worst way to hold your assets as they get taxed the most! Imagine up to 90-100% of the Retirement accounts being confiscated due to taxes!!! Up to 55% Estate Taxes and 35% Income Taxes plus your state income taxes.
Oh, the US Government gave you a big break in 1997 with the repeal of the Excise Tax, because you DID have to pay an Excise Tax up to 15% on top of the Estate Tax and Income Tax which would have brought your potential taxes to 105-115% of your retirement account values. They're so big hearted!
So does this all sound like something you just don't want to deal with? Probate, Estate Taxes, Income Taxes. It can really give you a major headache!!!
That's what an Estate Planner is for! They can do the planning and help co-ordinate the Investments, Insurance, Legal Structures and make it simple and easy to understand. Do you have a Plan for this blessing? What will you do first? Will a mistake cost you Thousands of dollars in Taxes? Don't give away your hard earned monies to Uncle Sam unnecessarily. After all, He does want your Money!!! As Much as Possible!!!
As Always Mahalo and Go RV!
Hawaiian Dave
David A. Kauwe CLU ChFC LUTCF is the Owner of Triangle Estate Planners located in Durham, NC. or at(919) 698-8832 cell.

A Note of Encouragement

I want to point a couple of things out...
  1. This investment is a world class opportunity for us all.
  2. You need to be looking at this like a world class investor
There are two ways you can approach this investment...
  1. Just wait for the RV and just cash in, or...
  2. Position yourself to extend your investment for supreme maximization
I want to point this out again, I am not waiting for the RV so I can cash in and that's it. I am prepped to maximize my investment all the way through 2020, at which point the profits and currency from Iraq, in my opinion, will sky rocket.
I think you need to make a commitment to yourself, because if you're looking to make money for the rest of your life and wondering what you're going to do to accomplish your goals, then you better understand what you're going to do what why you're doing it.
What I'm trying to say is that... your PRAYER has already been answered. Please pay attention to what opportunities are coming down the road, in Iraq. It is not just about the Dinar. It's so much much bigger than that, and my prayer is that you recognize this opportunity that has been given to you as a gift. YOU need to recognize it and play it to it's full potential.
Again, I hope you all will commit to yourself, wake up every day and tell yourself, "nothing less then the desire of my heart," and realize that getting what it is you desire is a process.
From your biggest fan,

Scooter Diatribe:

It's Only a Matter of Time

By Scooter
Good Evening Dinarians,

This investment experience truly STINKS and I am personally ready for it to be over!!!! Every fabric of my being has been mentally and physically challenged and I've often found myself of late questioning my original decision to jump into the game. However, after every evaluation of the situation, I find myself highly resolve and more confident. The experience may have STUNK over the past couple of years but we are truly coming to the end of the journey.

Over the next two weeks, we'll witness final meetings with all stake holders worldwide and rumors will fly around at a fervent speed within our community. Here's my recommendation: Stay the course, be strong, and make sure you have a solid post RV plan for yourself. As I've said in the past, nobody knows who, what, when , or where, but we do know the list of benchmarks and task are very quickly being removed from the list of "to-do's".

With that said, there's strong indicators that show this could occur anytime but other indicators show the end of month is more optimal. Remember nobody knows but take a look at some of the upcoming events and I'll let you decide:

June 13th Parliament meets to approve the demarkation lines with Kuwait
June 15th Several DFI accounts moving to US Treasury Trust Accounts
June 16th UNSC Report on Iraq presented to Security Council
June 22nd UNSC Meets to discuss Final Report on Iraq to lift Sanctions
June 30th Government Banks Re-Boot - New Balance Sheets and fully capitalized
June 30th Full Release of DFI from UN - Account is completelly controlled by Iraqi's

There's other data points for which I could go expand upon; however, and more important, the Ministry of Finance just released the detailed spreadsheets for Iraq budgets going back to 2006, including 2011 details of all the increases. I downloaded all spreadsheets and the translation process is currently underway. Remember, these details don't get released unless forward moves were preceeding. I will have those spreadsheets posted by Monday afternoon at the latest.

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