Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bilderberg Members Confronted by Independent media and Protesters

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bilderberg Members Confronted by Independent media and Protesters

Few Bilderberg 2011 meeting attendees wearing the same red ski jackets dared to leave their hotel for a walk and were promptly confronted by the independent media and protesters who were covering this secret Bilderberg meeting in St Moritz Switzerland , The Bilderberg attendees decided to crawl back to their hotel in order to avoid the protesters , this year more than never the Bilderberg meeting was totally exposed thanks to the work and efforts of Jim Tucker and Alex Jones and others . Looks like their next meeting is going to to be held in Antarctica

7billion people sit back and allow a hand full of people to control them.  It's hard to feel sorry for anyon who is hurt by these people. I can just see those self-proclaimed "elitists" in there eating the finest food and cracking open $550 bottles of wine while people starve; looking out the windows and laughing to each other saying.. "Look Mr Kissinger, there are a dozen Plebs outside the walls,,,,,, What dreadful noises the Plebs make when they are unhappy, don't you agree Hillary??"

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