What Does the Use of the Obama Autopen Prove?
28052011That he has finally been neutered, now let the Congressional Hearings begin…
Does the use of the Obama autopen signature on a bill make a law legitimate?No! and here’s why:
Does the use of the Obama autopen signature on a bill make a law legitimate?No! and here’s why:
Obama is not a legitimate or vetted President.Obama, as an Usurper, with or without an autopen device never physically signed the bill into law as is required by this provision of the U.S. Constitution.
Questions to mull over:
Why was a special courier used to personally pick up his fraudulent second birth certificate from Hawaii that he “..stupidly..” placed on the White House web site?Was there no printer, fax machine, computer to print off a copy of the bill on Air Force One, in London, in the Palace, a Kinko’s, or UPS store anywhere in Great Britain, that Obama could have actually signed? hmm?How many ways has this Usurper found ways to circumvent our U.S. Constitution and all of the laws of the United States of America? He could never have read the bill prior to its expiration at midnight. Knowing full well he was already 5 hours into the next day/date overseas his personal signature would have missed the deadline… hmm?
There is treason afoot and a traitor in the White House.
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