Saturday, May 14, 2011

If you can gain the full understanding of this, you will understand how things have gone so incredibly wrong over the years, what deep trouble we are in and why it is such a challenge to dig our way out of it.  This is not only in the US.  It is in many countries.  This is what we people in the Republic are fighting.  M.

Thought I would pass this on to all of you so you can get a deeper understanding of our court system and why they cannot hear about the Constitution in their capacity as de facto judges
This is pretty much a summary of Rod Class' Tues 5.10.11 call...
A very good explanation of how they ensnared U.S. ! I took Jeanette's last name and email address out in case this gets forwarded around
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority <>,
Office of Thrift Supervision <>,
Navy Legal Services NW <>,
The Miami Herald <>,
sun sentinel <" jburstein">,
SEC <>
Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:40 PM

The Lieber Code of April 24, 1863, also known as Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, General Order No. 100, or Lieber Instructions 
signed by President Abraham Lincoln, is a very crucial piece to the puzzle of how Americans have been scammed through the judicial system and the banking system set up to bilk this country dry.

The courts have been employing whatever tactic was feasible for them at the time, but holding the military status card up their sleeve all along.

For example, say one goes into a Casino to play cards at one of the tables. The dealer deals out the cards to yourself and the other players at your table. However, the other players get to look at their cards while your cards are dealt face down, and the dealer has told all the other players which game it is being played. You on the other hand, can't see your cards, don't know which to play, nor do you know which cards you need to replace, which is wild, which is high or which is low card. So how could you possibly play the game when the house holds all the cards and the rules and stacked the deck against you?

The courts, impersonating judicial officers,
 holding false judicial proceedings and
  are using the local sheriff departments and/or other police departments  as "military personnel"  to force one off the street, against their will and under duress, forced again into fraudulent contracts as commerce for investment purposes, but failing to charge off the public debt or provide the municipality their rightful 40%.

These personnel in turn are committing highway robbery, extortion, kidnap for ransom, strong arm robbery, and impersonating military personnel.

By employing Texas Code Chapter 79 
§ 79.31 "ENTITIES" and the Style MANUAL Manual, your name has been used through identity theft now converted into "upper case" letters indicating corporate status, using yourself as the means, method, motive, opportunity and intent to access your trust account, established through the US Bankruptcy in 1933, since there is no money and we the people are the Creditors/beneficiaries from which the country makes investments.

However, prior to that step in this diabolical devious plan, the Rothschild's, the masterminds of this banking fraud committed against the world, knowingly sent their correspondences to and from the US
 in about June, 1863, explaining how all of this step by step plan will work, including the mathematical formula employed showing the profits to be made with the inimical harm and the brunt of the burden resting on those not wise to their financial enterprise.
(See "Vindication" and "A Country Defeated in Victory Part II")

The [courts] have now dragged yourself into the closed union shop, acting as financial institution agents for the Committee on Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP©), the court cases now assigned Public Debt numbers through forms 1522/4000 et al, through/ for US Treasury now are investments directly deposited through COURT REGISTRY INVESTMENT SYSTEM (CRIS), in the Dallas /Houston Texas Federal Reserve privately owned bank. 

These investments are only temporarily housed at that financial institution before heading home to the Bank of England, Rothschild's headquarters.

Rothschild's have long since been infamous for renting, leasing or otherwise employing military armies to  provide the strong arm tactics needed to complete whatever task is at hand, which may or may not include world domination through control of the worlds' wealth. One would have to follow the Trilateral Commission, The Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Knights of the Golden Circle, Knights of Columbus, Knights of The Golden Fleece, Knights of Malta,Masons, Skull & Bones, The Illuminati and
 other not so secret anymore societies for the rest of the story.

Newly researched evidence of "THE LIEBER CODE" shows without a doubt how this plan has been put into effect.

Since a "Code" is a secret communication, only the privy were wise to its true meaning and intent, until now.

Abraham Lincoln knew full well what was coming our way, and thus prepared for it. He placed our "trust" in the hands of the military as the proper authority to protect us, America, as the first Bank Act of 1863 began the road to Banksterville.

However, those evil doers hellbent on gaining access to all the gold and other wealth had another plan, which directly is related to the civil war and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. (See the Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln)

Reading the "Lieber Code" one will learn important, directly related evidence of the who, what, when, where, why and how this corruption against America was invented, and spread throughout Europe and Asia like a malignant cancer.

Adding this knowledge to that already obtained, it is quite simple to see that the courts have been employing one side of the military code against  the general public, not showing us the cards or the game being played and being misled to thinking all is Constitutionally fine and dandy.

The courts employed administrative rules, but did not act within the policies, procedures and/or guidelines of those rules.

The courts employed civil rules and procedures but failed to follow even those policies and procedures.

The courts, police, sheriff, judges et al., were hired or appointed as Constitutional employees to act in good behavior and within the boundaries of the law, and having had taken an oath to uphold the same, but have in many instances, the judges in every instance, knowingly violated the very essence of the Constitution, breaching their own contract.

George Bush's infamous statement that the Constitution is just a G-- D--- piece of paper knew, in official capacity, the fraud committed against every inhabitant in this country and that this fraud was being committed as a means to get into the trust held by the military as protection for all of us as Americans.

This "TRUST" and our public trust has been violated, knowingly and with forethought, malice and intent, by every court official since about the late1860's, and continuing to date, as securitizing our names and signatures for investment purposes, but failing to discharge the debts of the American people as the other half of the contract, whereby the courts and all other agents thereof, by through and with the banks, federal, national and international, have gained unjust enrichment embezzling every American's money from the constitutional side of the "mirror" to the "de facto" side, now fraudulently converted and hidden deep in their own offshore pockets, and George Sorros is not exempt from this ponzi scheme.

The reader will be disheartened to see how this diabolical plan has been so successfully carried out to date.  The more knowledge taken in the wiser one becomes, as was Abraham Lincoln who paid the ultimate price for his preemptive actions.

Every [judge] in this country knows full well of the guilt on his/her shoulders from their intentional actions as
belligerent traitors and their treasonous activities against America, employing armed belligerents against unarmed civilians in this country, the former acting under military law but failing to act within military protocol, now each and all subject to the ultimate consequences thereof, by the hands of the military duly qualified to fulfill that task.

Many years of research by those of us on AIB radio and all the listeners around the world also seeking the truth are slowly but surely gaining on the heels of these fleeing thieving impostors and their bankster kinfolk. It won't be a mere nip when we latch on, but rather a rabid dog, jaw locking to the bone, death grip around every attorney, and bankster's ankle walking this planet, slowing that walk to a complete halt.

All rights reserved in perpetuity.

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