Friday, May 13, 2011

I hope more people will recognize that before we harm others, we first harm ourselves through “natural consequences”

I hope more people will recognize that before we harm others, we first harm ourselves through “natural consequences”. As Vipassana Teacher, Mr. Goenka would say we “roll in our misery” when we harm others because to reach the point of harming someone, we first have to generate significant negative emotions, like anger, arrogance, hostility. I used to be in denial of these feelings and project blame on others or want payback from others. It hurts to see others do that today because doesn’t that denial block you off from the suffering you are generating within?
As research from the Institute of HeartMath as well as research on stress shows time and again, negative emotional states wreck havoc on our physiological, psychological, etc selves. Such as, we release adrenaline which releases cortisol hormone which can last in the body up to 24 hours each time it is released. And this has a depleting effect on our body and mind.
The heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart and its electromagnetic field is much larger than the brain’s. The heart even has its own intrinsic nervous system or heart brain. When the heart generates incoherent heart rate variability (which unfortunately is almost the status quo in most societies and circles, although clearly this is changing), the brain is not able to function at its optimal level, ie fully use the “third” brain.
Regardless of my experience, I have learned to trust that when my heart is generating coherence, that I am in my right mind able to think right thoughts to take right action.
I wish everyone much loving kindness and care.

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