Saturday, May 28, 2011



Dear Friends,
This is an absolute "RED ALERT" message.  Please read it very carefully. 
As many of you may recall, I resigned from the IRS Criminal Investigation Division over 12 years ago. During that time, I have worked with many other concerned Americans over those years to expose the wrong-doing in our federal and state income tax systems.  Over the last several years, I have worked closely with a group of attorneys, professionals, researchers, activists and other concerned Americans to create a comprehensive yet easy to understand series of articles and video presentations that clearly illustrate and address legitimate questions raised about IRS administration and enforcement of the federal income tax system.

I invite you to CAREFULLY review the announcement below just released from Truth, paying very special attention to theWhat You Can Do page, the Operation Rich Rewards page, the Innocence Revealed DVD/CD page, and the Rebut IRS's Calling The Truth Frivolous page.
However, none of the items listed in the previous paragraph will have any real impact unless you are willing to support this effort with your prayers, your financial contributions and by spreading the word to others.  You can do this by making a donation to Truth Attack, by creating a Truth Attack Meet-up Group, or formulating your own plan.
Some Cautionary Words About Minimizing/Eliminating Casualties In This Battle To Restore Integrity An Justice To Our Tax System
This effort to bring the truth about the federal income tax to millions more Americans, legal professionals and government servants will most certainly be viciously and mercilessly attacked.  I'm not trying to frighten you away from supporting this effort but rather I'm trying to help you support this effort in a manner that will keep each supporter as safe and unscathed as possible. Of course, there are casualties in any battle but who wouldn't advocate minimizing or eliminating those casualties if at all possible?  And wouldn't the side that better minimized or eliminated their casualties be more likely the victor?  I encourage you therefore on the one hand to pledge your support for this effort but on the other hand to take every precaution to protect yourself and your family from harm by a government hell-bent to maintain the dishonest taxation status quo. 
One of the tactics frequently used by the federal government is to identify supporters of these efforts and attack them individually.  The easiest way for the federal government to identify supporters of these efforts is the internet and public records (county recorder, court filings, etc.), although there are other methods.  So, it is important to take precautions to minimize or eliminate the possibility that your support would be discovered, unless you are already "overt" in your actions and are aware of and prepared for the consequences have already.  Some are willing to let their efforts be known to the world and may God richly bless them for their courage and sacrifice. But others may prefer to get involved in a manner that would not cause any significant change to their personal lives. In order to provide some guidance with this topic of minimizing or eliminating discovery of your efforts, who better than a former IRS criminal investigator to provide you with some food for thought?  A few tips on this topic are presented at thePrivacy tab at Agent for
Interested in receive more information on an ongoing basis about the IRS, the income tax system, asset preservation, privacy preservation, health & wellness, survival and propserity?  Sign up for free newsletters here. 
Truth Attack's historic announcement follows:
Dear Patriots,

For the last three or four years many of you and I have been working long and hard to get Truth Attack built up into a lean, mean, freedom fighting machine.  You now number over eight thousand and are in all 50 states and several countries.  The organizations who have joined the Truth Attack Coalition represent more than 100,000 patriots and are prepared to back you up and participate in our projects.  We've been establishing alliances, building a foundation and conducting research, running experiments, analyzing, brain-storming and preparing.  
We are strong and we are determined to save our country from our government and to save our government from itself.  And our preparations are completed.
Now it is time to translate all that planning, all that strength and determination, into positive ACTION.  You have no doubt noticed how the government has accelerated in its rush to socialize America.  We must take action now or it will soon be too late.  I am urgently pleading with each and every one of you to act now to help us put the government back in its Constitutional box . . . one tentacle at a time.  This is the time . . . this is your chance to join us in making a difference.
Please start by visiting our beautiful new web site.  This web site was built for us as a surprise gift by a generous supporter and patriot.  While you are there click on "What Can You Do" on the "Get Involved" menu.  There are twenty actions you can take that do not require you to travel, do not require you to spend a great deal of money and do not require a lot of effort.  These simple, inexpensive actions WILL make a difference,  If, however, any of us sits idly by that, too, may make a difference in whether our efforts are enough, and we will continue to see the same thing we are seeing now, more government, more interference, less freedom and less prosperity.
So, I am making this urgent appeal to each and every one of you to take just one of those positive actions every day.  Administer any of the twenty One-A-Day Freedom Pills to the government every day.  If every one of you does that I promise you, the IRS's talons will be out of our backs and its fangs out of our heads before the next elections.  With the IRS and its misapplied income tax out of the way the field is clear of obstacles for us to tackle the other tentacles of tyranny and put them all, one by one, back in the box.
This special request is not just going out to Truth Attack's 8,000 members, it is also going out to our entire Truth Attack Coalition, asking them to immediately forward it to their members and urging them to participate in these high-impact projects.  It is also going out to the more than 500 local We the People groups, Ron Paul Meet-ups, Constitution Party groups, Libertarian Party groups, Restore the Republic groups and many others who have helped Truth Attack conduct its annual Operation Stop Thief project, spreading the word at post offices across the country every tax day.  And it's going out to everyone else I have had dealings with concerning the Truth Attack mission.  You may be alone when you act, but you are not acting alone.  You are an important part of a big operation.
Please, whether you are among the TA membership, a member of one of our patriotic and determined Coalition organizations or a past OST participant, forward this urgent appeal to every patriot you know, asking them to get these projects airborne and hammering away for freedom.  We can do this.
For those of you who are receiving this plea who are not members of Truth Attack I also urge you to "Enlist" With Truth Attack.  Membership is free and so is the News >From The Front newsletter that comes with membership.  Membership information is never revealed to anyone . . . never.  I do not have that information and I'm not telling who does, and the government cannot force me to turn over something I do not have.  If the government waterboards me into telling who does, by that time we will make sure he won't have it, either.  Join us.  Join us in saving our country because we will either work together to take the action necessary to rescue it or we will watch together as what remains is ground away.
Why the Income Tax and the IRS First?
Many of you have your favorite issues and the misapplied income tax may not be that top issue, so why should you hammer at "someone else's" issue?  Because you must if there is to be any hope of achieving your goal.  Truth Attack is determined to put every last tentacle back in the box, your pet peeve included.  If you are concerned about religious freedom and keeping this nation "Under God", we will get to the tentacle that is destroying that freedom and attempting to exile God.  
If your primary concern is federal bureaucrats interfering with our children's education, Truth Attack is going to put that tentacle back in the box, too.  If you believe the most important issue is repealing the Federal Reserve and restoring Constitutional sound money before our economy is destroyed by that cancer, rest assured, Truth Attack will not rest until that is done.
But none of those goals can be achieved so long as 99% of Americans are cowed and intimidated by the threat of retribution by the government if they stand up.  Those Americans, who must join us if we are to accomplish all our goals, are not afraid of the FAA or the FCC.  They are terrified that if they dare use their hind legs to stand up to the government they will become victims of its winged attack monkeys . . . the IRS.
Not only is the IRS keeping millions of disgruntled Americans from joining with us, the IRS is the Fed's siphon hose in our gas tank, keeping us drained down and our States and their economies anemic and having to take handouts with all manner of strings attached.  Get rid of the IRS and the vast majority of the nation, including our State governments, will be standing with us, your issues included.
So everyone, regardless of your issue, this is the time to pull the curtain back and expose the government's fraud, this is the way to awaken and embolden the millions of Americans it will take to get the government back under control.  Because until then we are few, we cannot spare a single one of you.  EVERYONE is crucial, EVERYONE is indispensable, and that includes YOU!
Featured and Top Priority Project--Operation Rich Rewards
Any and every project listed on the What Can You Do page will have a positive, measurable effect, but our most important first step in this march forward is Operation Rich Rewards.  We can wake up the Bar and when they know the truth the end to the IRS will be almost immediate.  
99.9% of attorneys know no more about the Internal Revenue Code than the general public does, and they assume, just like the general public, that the IRS is telling them the truth.  But when you dangle a $100,000 reward in front of those attorneys they will go looking and they will quickly realize that the IRS and its misapplication of the income tax to working Americans is the biggest fraud in the history of mankind.  By changing what the legal community sees as the law we will change what the public sees as the law, making the Bar's awareness an almost instant re-education of all Americans.
Please check out Operation Rich Rewards on the top of the list and then follow through with it.  One flyer may be ignored, but if there are many of us sending them to all the attorneys in every communitythe message will get through.  Sow enough seeds and it matters not how many fall on barren ground or how many are eaten by the birds--we will have a crop of thousands upon thousands of attorneys immediately joining the fight and making the public aware of the Truth.
If You Can't Fight Then At Least Help Finance Those Who Can
Some have no time, and some are too timid to participate in projects such as these, but those in that condition can and must still take part in the effort.  Several of the projects on the list are being handled strictly out of the TA office, but they need funding to produce, label, package and ship materials to those we need to show the truth and convince that they should switch sides because the cat is out of the bag.  
IRS Agents, prosecutors and judges need to receive the Innocence Revealed DVD/CD that spells the truth out for them and includes over 100 links to actual statutes and Supreme Court cases on the CD.  Many of them are already silently supportive of us, but when their colleagues know the truth they will start to take a stand and stop the persecution of those whose only crime was to discover the Truth and confront the IRS with it.
So if you cannot participate in the fight itself, then help others fight by making a donation to Truth Attack.  Better yet, an automatic monthly contribution.  They add up and Truth Attack puts every penny into the movement.  There are no salaries paid to anyone in the Truth Attack administration.
Time for talking is over.  It's time to act.  
These projects are affirmative, positive, effective actions that you CAN be a part of and when you do you WILL HAVE A DEFINITE EFFECT on the outcome.
Please help in at least one of the listed projects every day.  If we ALL do one of those One-A-Day freedom activities every day the beast will be gone by next year's election and every incumbent will be on the ropes and vulnerable because everyone will know he was in on the IRS's gigantic scam.
Thanks to all of you for all you do, but mostly for all you will do on these important projects.  Remember, every day, just one action, large or small, and we can all look and move 
Tom Cryer
PS:  And since many hands make light work, be sure and look into forming your own local Truth Attack Meet-up group.  It's easy, it's fun, it multiplies your power and we'll help you do it. 
PPS:  If you're tangled up with the beast and have ever had any agent say or send a letter saying that your positions are frivolous, then for your own protection you need to look at Rebut IRS's Calling The Truth FrivolousIt could prevent your being singled out for prosecution. 


-For those who have received this message as a forward from someone else, you can sign up to receive these messages directly by visiting  , clicking on the "Mailing List" menu item under "Main Menu" on the left side of the webpage.
-I will continue to send a free Attorney Larry Becraft Research CD to any donor who donates at least $20 to me for my radio show effort - just make sure you mention that you want the CD gift.  Don't forget that Attorney Becraft (and some unsung heroes) created an incredible researching tool all in one CD-ROM.  He has compiled the most comprehensive, easy to access history of the federal income tax laws I have ever laid my eyes on.  The CD-ROM includes more recent information such as a report from a 1975 investigation of the IRS, Title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations from 1999, the entire Internal Revenue Code from January, 2002, Statutes At Large 111 through 121 (105th Congress through 110th Congress - roughly 1997 through 2007) and earlier information such as the Revenue Acts of 1919, 1921, 1924, 1926, 1928, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1938, tax regulations from some of the aforementioned years, a mind-blowing 31 page "secret" memorandum written in 1945 later declassified regarding the history of the "Bureau of Internal Revenue" (which is the earlier name of the agency we know today as the "IRS"), the entire 1939 Internal Revenue Code, the entire 1954 Internal Revenue Code (prepared by the Joint Committee on Taxation in 1992).  Many of these documents were created in word-searchable format so you can search for any specific word you can think of.  It would take hundreds of hours to create such a resource from scratch and Larry's hard work has saved us from doing so.  As Larry told my listeners the last time he was on the show, it is critical for Americans to learn more about what the tax laws actually say - what the tax laws said in 1913 when the contemporary income tax came into being and what the tax laws have said ever since then, all the way up to the present day.  Donations by check or money order are gratefully accepted and can be made payable to "Joseph Banister" and mailed to me at 1805 N. Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701.  Keep in mind that money orders (with an anonymous payor) or cash may provide a greater degree of privacy to the donor than checks.  Also, consider using 1805 N. Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 as the return address on your envelope rather than your own address because any information on the outside of a mailed envelope is susceptible to observation/transcription by government agencies.  See for more information.  Use your own discretion based on the degree of privacy you desire. Attorney Becraft appeared on the Freedom Above Fortune Radio Show on September 18, 2010 and spent the entire two hour program discussing and explaining the contents of the CD - an archive of this show is saved at on the left hand side of the page under the "Saturday, September 18, 2010" heading.
-Listen to the Freedom Above Fortune Radio Show on Saturday mornings from 7:00 am to 9:00 am pacific time by visiting www.lwrn.netand scrolling down to the bottom of the page for the "listen live" link. Archives of some shows are available at .
-Check out the "Joe Banister Channel" on "Youtube" at  or go to type in "josephbanister" into the "Search" box and then click on the word "Search" to the right of the "Search" box to find my "Twitter" page.
-For those who are unfamiliar with what has transpired to date in my battle against the IRS and other agencies and groups trying to silence my message, especially the recent acquittal on all charges leveled against me, please visit and  (click on "IRS LOCKOUT UPDATE"). You can also find archives of informative radio shows at .  Archives of my "Freedom Above Fortune Radio Show" that had broadcasted on are temporarily available at  and .  
-Prayers in support of this effort are always welcomed and encouraged.  May we all focus on giving glory to God and obeying His Commandments, especially the Commandment not to take His Name in vain.  Let us shower God with our devotion so that He will more abundantly shower our nation with blessings.
-Contributions to my legal defense fund are also welcomed due to the significant costs of defending against multiple and continuing government attacks.  I also spend a significant amount of my personal time fighting this battle and speaking out.  Your contributions help me keep the fight alive.  Checks or money orders are gratefully accepted and can be made payable to "Joseph Banister" to assist me with legal expenses and can be mailed to 1805 N. Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701. Money orders or cash may provide a greater degree of privacy to the donor than checks so use your own discretion based on the degree of privacy you desire.
-Visit for more information as to how you can obtain information about my recent trial and contribute to my legal defense fund at the same time as well as a biography with exhibits (scroll down the page).
-My sincere thanks to those who have prayed for the success of our efforts and/or contributed to my legal defense fund. Your continued support is enabling me to illustrate, in detail and in a very public manner, that the IRS does not prevail against citizens because the agency adheres to the rule of law, but that the IRS prevails against citizens because the agency ignores the law, twists the meaning of the law, and overwhelms the citizen with economic and legal burdens. In a school yard, such tactics are called "BULLYING". In a government setting, such tactics are called "TYRANNY". This effort is the equivalent of ganging up on the bully and sending him to reform school where he belongs.
Kind regards,
Joseph R. (Joe) Banister
Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent
II Chronicles 7:14:
And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Exodus 20:7:
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain.
Matthew 5:27-28:
You have heard that it was said to them of old: "Thou shalt not commit adultery".  But I say to you that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.
John 6:51-52:
I am the living bread which came down from heaven.  If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.
George Orwell, 1984:
"You are a slow learner, Winston," said O'Brien gently.
"How can I help it?" he blubbered. "How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four."
"Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three.
Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane."

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