Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Follow May 8, 2011 HOT BREAKING NEWS: The Bin Laden Psyop Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up Hot EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News The Bin Laden Psyop

  • HOT BREAKING NEWS: The Bin Laden Psyop

    Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings
    ALL patriot
     Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth
    the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly
    U. S. media covers up
    Hot EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
    The Bin Laden Psyopby Tom Heneghan
    International Intelligence Expert
    Sunday May 8, 2011
    Osama  Dead

    United States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. government claim that Osama bin Laden was killed a week ago Sunday and dumped into the ocean is nothing more than a New World Order (NWO) scripted psyop, whose major objective was financial.
    FACT 1

    Osama bin Laden aka U.S. government employee, CIA asset and 9/11 patsy Tim Osman, has been dead since December of 2001.

    Osama bin Laden died in a Minneapolis, Minnesota hospital from kidney failure after being flown from a CIA Dubai hospital where he had been previously treated for kidney disease with dialysis treatment. Bin Laden's body was eventually transported by U. S. military aircraft to the People's Republic of China where he was buried.
    FACT 2
    The DNA sample that the State Department and Department of Homeland Security alleges is proof of Osama bin Laden's death is actually the sample taken from Tim Osman in December of 2001 after his death in the Minneapolis, Minnesota hospital.
    FACT 3

    Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate godfather and mafia boss, former President George Herbert Walker Bush aka daddy, traveled to China four days in advance of the bin Laden BLACK OP to meet with Chinese officials to arrange Chinese cooperation with the bin Laden ruse, including digging up bin Laden's body that was buried in China on the Afghanistan border. Bin Laden aka Timmy was then cremated.

    We can also divulge that Chinese officials were bribed with a substantial amount of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds.
    NBC Pentagon correspondent, Jim Miklaszewski, is sitting on this story and being blackmailed and bribed at the same time to keep silent.
    FACT 4

    The alleged Navy Seal team that captured and killed Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden was actually a U.S.-British Intelligence-New Zealand SAS psyop team linked to the noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate-Gary Best Inc, a private corporation of black ops specialists tied to the privatization of U.S. Special Forces done by the Clinton Administration during the Bosnian War of the 1990s.'s on the Afghanistan border,
    Zbigniew Brzezinski
     with CIA asset Tim Osman
    aka Osama bin Laden

    Note: Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman was in charge of the U.S. government financed Mujahadeen that fought a war of liberation against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan during the 1980s.

    Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden was also in charge of the Special Operation teams that targeted Christian Serbs on behalf of the Islamic minority that was fighting the war in Bosnia fully supported by the Clinton Administration.

    Note: These privatized U. S. Special Operations black ops teams run by Tim Osman became what we know as alleged "Al Qaeda". The English translation out of Arabic for alleged Al Qaeda is CIA data base.

    If that is not enough, folks, listen to this.

    9/11 patsy Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden, along with former President George Herbert Walker Bush, current dysfunctional Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and then George Herbert Walker Bush Attorney General William Bar were all named as persons of interest in a U. S. Treasury investigation aka Operation Stillpoint that fingered the aforementioned individuals in not only selling stinger missiles to the Contras in Nicaragua (aka Iran-Contra), but also aiding and abetting the transfer of nuclear uranium technology to the rogue government of North Korea utilizing Afghanistan as the arms depot.

    This evidence was gathered against the aforementioned parties by not only U. S. Treasury agents but by a joint U. S.-Chinese Intelligence operation linked to a corporation out of Singapore titled Aneko Credit Limited.

    In summation, what you have here is lifelong U. S. government employee, 9/11 patsy Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman on the U. S. government payroll for years as a Special Operator with direct financial ties to the Bush Family.

    We can also divulge that bin Laden received substantial amounts of commissions from the Bush Family and the U. S. government that he helped parlay into billions if not trillions of dollars of personal profits utilizing the heroin trade in Afghanistan.

    These funds, parked in CIA proprietary accounts, have been frozen since 9/11 until recently.

    What we are suppose to believe here, folks, is that Tim Osman's own CIA Special Operation team staged the death of an ALREADY DEAD Osama bin Laden (laugh out loud).

    Note: What we have been treated with by the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media are pictures of bin Laden watching himself on television and alleged new terrorists on the horizon that are talking to themselves and bin Laden simultaneously.

    There is NO picture of the dead bin Laden. And, of course, there is NO body.

    Looking at all of these alleged photos of bin Laden with his television set, along with his alleged terrorist comrades, reminds one of being in a local 7-11.

    FACT 5

    In summation, the New World Order (NWO) elite do not care that the American People and the rest of the world do not believe this bin Laden bullshit.

    The actual goal of this PSYOP was financial.

    The announcement by the Obama Administration of Osama bin Laden's death, ten (10) years after the fact, occurred simultaneously with the lapse and termination of Osama bin Laden's indemnity clause aka an insurance policy with the U. S. State Department.

    Announcing bin Laden's death now after the statute of limitation on the indemnification clause had run its course allowed the U. S. government to UN-freeze TRILLIONS of dollars of U. S. Treasury funds tied to bin Laden and parked in U. S. CIA proprietary accounts that were frozen at the time of 9/11.

    These now UN-frozen funds were immediately transferred to the cash call accounts of Goldman Sachs and J. P. Morgan, who immediately established short positions in COMEX silver futures on the night board of the COMEX electronic trading session.

    The massive trade took place at exactly 4:19 p.m. PST a week ago Sunday, May 1st [all Sprint cell phone service was hacked at 4:19 PST].

    This was a full five hours before the Obama Administration was to announce the death of Osama bin Laden.

    This financial psyop accommodated J. P. Morgan, which faced financial decapitation based on its inability to make delivery on countless short positions in silver that were not backed by silver but by paper derivatives.

    It is no coincidence that at 4:19 p.m. PST one week ago the price of silver dropped $5 in less than 40 seconds.

    This financial Bin Laden BLACK OP has turned into the greatest financial Ponzi Scheme in world history and the biggest insider trading scandal of all time.

    The Bin Laden financial BLACK OP has temporarily strengthened the U. S. dollar so as to accommodate the conspiratorial Federal Reserve when it attempts to once again continue to print more money so as to roll over their worthless toxic derivatives that are 
    still worthless.

    That is right, folks, here comes QE3.

    What Bin Laden-Gate accomplished was to temporarily strengthen the U. S. dollar so that the Federal Reserve can eventually weaken it, if not dismember it, so as to reduce their own debt exposure.

    Note: The U. S. Federal Reserve, along with Goldman Sachs, is now the subject of a European Union investigation in which the Federal Reserve was illegally using U. S. Taxpayers' money to temporarily buy EURO currency as to create more derivatives and disguising it through Swedish kroner and using the nightly European forex currency trading exchange located at banks in Luxembourg.

    P. S. Once again let us not under estimate the role of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media enabling this BIG LIE.

    At this hour the British, French and German press are all over this bin Laden story calling it a HOAX.

    We can now also divulge that it was Bloomberg News that leaked this Osama bin Laden story to the big banks five hours BEFORE its release as to accommodate J. P. Morgan's silver trading.
    Al Hunt and Jay Carney

    U. S. Treasury agents are now looking at the activities of Bloomberg News political correspondent and former Wall Street journalist Al Hunt and Obama White House press secretary, former Time magazine journalist Jay Carney.

    Note: Carney has links to both CIA and KGB and is fluent in both Russian and Arabic and actually interviewed Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden on two occasions in the 1980s when he was working for Time magazine.

    P. P. S. So you see, folks, the road we are going down is the end of the American Republic as we know it.

    Remember the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is now classifying a "domestic terrorist" as the following:
    1. Someone that does not believe in the government version of the 9/11 attacks

    2. Someone that believes Albert Gore Jr. easily won the 2000 presidential election

    3. Someone that buys silver and gold

    4. Someone that believes in the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments to the Constitution

    5. Someone that has a Ron Paul bumper sticker

    6. Someone that does not want to have their phone illegally tapped and have a stranger put their hands down their pants at an airport.

    Tom Heneghan's EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefings
    International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

1 comment:

Kwai Chang said...

I'm a little disappointed that Donald Chump has not yet sent a team of his own investigators to Pakistan to unearth the fake death certificate of Bin Laden.
Where are Barry's Harvard Law records?
(...but the Donald did not answer)