Monday, April 11, 2011

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011 The Death of the American Dream

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

The Death of the American Dream

The Downfall of America is coming if America does not make drastic changes in the way it operates. Loss of financial power, the rise of Communist China, the enormous strain on America's finances and prestige due to two wars- all are accelerating the downfall of America. This is a frightening look at what could happen to our country if things don't change.the thing is that Americans' have become lazy. so they turn to the government. but the government can't do all of the work. we know that if your on thin ice that the best thing to do is lie down and make as much surface area as you can. but if you stand up all your weight is on a very small place. so you fall. it's the same thing. you can't put all the responsibilities of America on a small group. to much weight.the American people need to learn to be self reliant again and stop looking for handouts. Only when the people are strong can a nation be strong. ALL of America needs to take a part. not shrug it off.come on America. we can do it

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