Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011 Dinar Intel 3/13

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Dinar Intel 3/13
* Poppy2 Rumor: G.E.T. 3/12/11 (Info from Israel)
March 12th, 2011 08:13pm
Posted in RUMORS (Dinar Revaluation)
5:18pm … all kinds of people have contacted me today … AND GUYS i JUST GOT A CALL FROM MY FRIEND IN Texas who had just got off a family call from Isreal. On their national news, they just announced the Iraq dinar was to be revalued asap. GLORY GLORY!
He also stated that their news is not like ours. They don’t report anything till they have facts.
I have gotten no less than 13 texts and emails from different informants. Researchers all saying this is the end of our ride.
The announcement will be made Sunday or early Monday. I am not crossing anything, as I am not superstitious at all. I will stay prayed up and ready to receive my BLESSINGS. Glory! Glory!
I am so excited I am celebrating. I am so ready!
Here is what i think announcement on Monday will say. We can set appointments beginning Tuesday. On Wed the Iraq dinar will be listed and shown.
[poppy2] New life starts this week. I expect announcement on Sun, or Mon, set
appointments for cash in on Tuesday. UN basket announced Wed, with the dinar within it. They will then be inducted into the WTO on the 18th of this month. Curious with the IMF being in Iraq on Wed, meeting with minister of finance, WTO and CBI and Shabibi, I am concerned with what rate they have agreed upon. I suspect it will be higher than first stated because they have much more reserves than first reported.
The Spirit of the Lord says;
This is the moment that we have been preparing for. I have placed My men and women strategically as carriers of My fire of the times. While the enemy’s time is culminating, and knowing that it is, he is using every ounce of his power to try to assault My mighty fire-carriers. My children of valor and integrity that I have anointed to receive all of the fullness of the time, have been purged by this fire. It seems as if hell itself has unleashed upon them, because of their commitment, but I have lifted up My holy standard that has a great damming effect upon the works of the enemy. Some are having a difficult time because I have called them to this high calling, yet they are compromising for the temporal, yet not realizing that the enemy knows that their is a distinct difference in their lives. Many are still letting their flesh rule, and they are torn between total submission to My will and the mechanics of the flesh. Do you not know that My way is the only way to the high ground of protection and preservation?
Also, many that I have anointed to preach and teach My Word, still yield to their flesh allowing the soulish realm to hinder the realms that I have opened for all of my children to walk in and be victorious in through persecutions and troubles. Many look at these men and women as ‘preaching’ machines, not discerning that they are no longer flowing with Holy Spirit. It is a heart that is consecrated and dedicated to Me and the Kingdom that I need, not ideas born from human reasoning or understanding. In order to know in this hour My movements, you must be sensitive to Holy Spirit. As you begin to repent from trying to go on in your own might, you will find the help from on High, that is most necessary. No more ’sounding brass or tinkling cymbals’, it is noise to My ears. For the Words that I speak, they are spirit and they are life. This life comes from My heart and can only be achieved by a continued flow from My heart to your surrendered heart. From this connection will come a boldness and fearlessness, you will no longer be intimidated by the enemy.
Now, you must be willing to abandon your comfort zones in order to flow with Me to the next zone. It may not be familiar to you, but there is no place that I have not been. I will take you there and help you to assimilate in this new territory. Do not resist the change. For many in times past have resisted what they thought was a ‘new’ thing and perceived that it wasn’t Me. They did not understand that it was not new to me, only to them. They failed to shift and became stagnant. Stay hungry and thirsty for more of Me. As you stay that way you will have to continue to die to self, so that My life may come forth through you. No matter what happens on the earth, great things are ahead for My submitted ones, even in the midst of all that is seen!
Scripture References: Prov.16:25; Zec. 4:6; Rom. 8:12-13; 1 Corin. 15:31
Dinar Intel 3/12
Subject: Notes taken on tonight’s People’s Dinar call …3/11
Hosted by JoeP … who introduced all speakers …
Steve: He and Ray got together today … he had written down 15 points
indicating the Iraqi dinar is right at the tipping point of being revalued.
The following were reported by Ray (who has family in Iraq ).
Among the points we’ve been hearing about, he says Maliki told the
public on television about 2 weeks ago that their dinar would be revaluing
soon at an amount of more than $3 US.
He says the 3 remaining Ministers HAVE been named but not yet announced.
Also that the Oil and Gas Law (HCL) has been voted upon and approved but
not yet signed into law.
Steve adds that he DOES expect the RV no later than the end of Feb, but
hopes and rather expects it to be in the coming week.
Kenneth says: His contact tells him there was a huge shouting match in
Parliament and the Kurds had a HUGE, HUGE shouting match over territory
issues and other issues involving the CURRENCY RV. Maliki was overheard
in a privy conversation with a member from the CBI, and he said that this
ordeal will come to an end SUNDAY once he Maliki can get them to concede
on some of the lesser issues. He further stated that this matter will not hold
up any pending matters with the bank. Everything is on schedule for
Tuesday-Wednesday time frame.
Allie says: (She works at large Ariz bank)that she has been noticing lots of clues.
Just got memo from upline that all vacations on the books are canceled
until further notice. Employees will be be paid overtime … which has
never happened before.
Bank has also hired extra people (not seemingly needed) … have set up
the conference room as another office (not seemingly needed now).
Hearing that other banks are gearing up with DeLaRue machines in order
to handle dinar.
Hearing that although we’re being told the Iraq Ministers have NOT been
seated–but they really ARE!
“Millions” says: Iraq (first time in history) has just had a tourism booth at a
travel and tourism fair in Europe .
Joint Kuwait/Iraq meeting happening in Baghdad on March 13-14–
including a very high level conference of some kind.
Parliament to be in session tomorrow/Sat – Maliki will be updating
everyone on where all pending issues stand.
JoeP says they do have 4-5 pieces of additional info (not specific
to an RV) but they won’t disclose because of possibly causing
risk to those who leaked the info.
DonnieR – Introduced some CEOs in his circle. Mr. C, Mr. R
Kevin (MangoRancher) took Q&A from the audience.
Mr. C (think he’s a CPA) says the dinar will be taxed
as a capital asset (long or short term)
short term – 35% through end of 2012
long term – 15% through end of 2012
(Some still think it could end up being ordinary income — so
all should rely upon their OWN legal and accounting professionals.)
Another tax/gift item: Anyone can gift someone up to $13,000 a year
without incurring gift taxes.
Currently, the lifetime exemption for gifts is $5 million — but this
amount changes periodically.
Alli jumped back on to say Steve had to leave the call, then phoned
her to say Maliki was called to go BACK to his office last night,
stayed into the wee hours, and reportedly signed or “took care of”
something very important that had been pending.
To hear the rest of the call:
If you still can’t get on – you will be able to listen to the recording when the call is done
by calling 760-569-7699 903818#
* Breitling: Parallel Currency Laws
Being Passed in US & Iraq
March 11th, 2011 10:37pm
Posted in CHATS & POSTS (Iraqi Dinar Info)
I am posting this item to point out some conversations I have had about the goings on with the new laws the Fed and Iraq itself are passing, as they too have included new legislation on currency exchange.
Some of the laws passed down to currency traders in the US are as follows:
1. No ledger to ledger transfers
They are doing this so you are forced with a wire transfer.
If you use the wire transfer then it is Fed controlled,
A ledger-to-ledger transfer is considered inner-banking, and the information from ledger-to-ledger will just be in the
company reports.
With wire transfer, the Feds will have the eye on the package from the get-go.
2. Per US Treasury Department directives, wires can only be sent to the individual exchanging the dinar, and
the account must be in that person’s name.
Again this is to control who will be receiving the funds upon exchange, and at what amounts.
Each and every individual will have to cash in using name and appropriate ID based on Fed regulations.
3. Per US Treasury Department directives, wires can only be sent internationally if the individual making the
exchange is a citizen of that country and the account is in the customer’s name.
Again, this is so feds can keep an eye on the package for tax reasons.
They have skewed options, and unless you are a non-US citizen, you have to trade your dinar into a US Bank or US
4. Per US Treasury Department directives, dinar exchanges must convert to US dollars in the customer’s name
prior to any purchase of precious metals or other commodities.
This is also a way of skewing different tax reducing tactics.
Before you trade the dinar, you have to fill out the tax forms, and then you can buy gold.
The reason they want to do this is to stop people from trying to convert dinar into gold so they can get into a long term
cap and gains.
Also, trading for gold was speculated by some you do not have to fill in amounts and report to the feds.
I want to point out that none of this is in anyway bad news. In fact, it’s very good news because
if the feds ever thought no one was cashing in, or going to cash in, then why even bother with
such alarming new regulations. The fed has laid out a strategy to get dinar in their hands. They
even have a right to do so I might add. Let’s look at Iraq. The timing should make you very
excited. This was sent to me by 8ball. Dinar Daddy had it up on his site. Mind you, regulations
related to investments, currency, and wiring-of-funds for both countries were put out just about
the same time.
Iraq May Legislate on Currency Exchange
Posted on 09 March 2011
According to a report from AKnews, a number of bankers in Baghdad have demanded
that the Iraqi parliament legislates to regulate and protect their businesses from market
changes because of the sudden decisions taken by the Iraqi government.
Ali Abdul-Zahra, owner of an foreign exchange bureau, told AKnews that banking in Iraq
is still precarious and that regulation is needed on the opening of forex services.
The law is supposed to prevent any economic decision that may disrupt the currency
market which negatively affects the work of the offices.
The circulation of hard currency (dollar) at the present time follows the decisions taken by
the Iraqi government in particular with regard to the entry of goods into the country.
We have it on our end regulations from the Fed set up to get our dinar rather than the currency
dealers and Iraq.
On Iraq’s end, they need regulation to also protect bankers from unfair advantage from
currency dealers based on sudden decisions taken by the Iraqi government.
The Iraqi bankers are lobbying because regulation is needed on the opening of forex services.
If you’re getting the point, both sides are maneuvering for a change in status and activity in the
IRAQI CURRENCY, and the laws on both sides, which just gave us a heads up!!!
Fadil Taher, the owner of Qusour Exchange office in Baghdad told AKnews that “the exchange
work in Iraq is subjected to unjustified controls and in need of great facilities by the concerned
authorities.The banking offices suffer from the problem of mobile money-changers who affect
the Iraqi market and this must be addressed by the Iraqi government to prevent the currency
exchange outside of regulated offices.
The well-known banks do not deal with unknown external financial dealers and they work
according to the regulations of money laundering law, which is adopted by the Iraqi Central
Bank (ICB).
So there you have it!

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