Monday, March 7, 2011

The Pentagon running out of oil, the BIS under nuclear blackmail and other signs of severe global turbulence.

The Pentagon running out of oil, the BIS under nuclear blackmail and other signs of severe global turbulence.: "Has it occured to anyone else that what Ben is suggesting is the removal of satanists is going on right under our noses, but we’re not seeing it? We’re told Mubarek resigned because of pressure from a spontaneous revolt. Is that true? Or was he just taken out and the revolt was a cover? Ben is, of course, bs’ing about the Israelis being part of Qadaffi’s army. Truth is, the entire Libya revolt is a media hoax. Don’t believe me? Look at the photos and videos. All photoshopped. The stories are not credible – the best being the SAS members who didn’t realize landing in the middle of the night in ‘rebel’ territory might cause problems.
On the domestic front, I find it interesting that GWB can’t seem to leave the country and his dad had to cancel an appearance so as not to be part of the same venue as Assange. Are they under house arrest? Is that why Rumsfeld was subjected repeatedly to the question: ‘Are you a lizard’ on an obscure comedy show where he was allegedly promoting his book?
Ben speaks in riddles but then again, artist lie to reveal the truth."


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