Friday, March 4, 2011

Fellow Americans, It has been brought to my attention that former trusted members of our Republic have decided to go astray.

The Republic for the united States of America
From the Desk of the President
Friday, March 04, 2011
Regarding: ID Cards - RuSA Reference ID #: RP208702994RuSA - Cross Reference to for verification
Fellow Americans,
It has been brought to my attention that former trusted members of our Republic have
decided to go astray. These former officials have hijacked and taken control of the Bureau of
Republic Records web site and the Identification machines without any consent or approval of the
Executive, Legislative, or Judicial branches. I dismissed these former Republic officials due to a lack
of proper accounting of the monies they collected from the sale of our Republic ID cards as well as
other inconsistencies regarding Pay Pal’s actions, etc. These former trusted officials have kept the
money from sales of the cards, as well as hid the ID card machines and will not surrender them to
us. We do not know where they are at this time.
After I formally dismissed these individuals, they continued to invoice the People for
payment of ID cards that have been delivered and the Pay Pal funds that were returned to the
People as well. They are also attempting to make and sell new unauthorized ID cards, issuing
certain requests or directions not authorized by the Republic and doing so through the website that is no longer authorized by the Republic. This is an
attempt to divert funds away from our Republic and into the hands of these unscrupulous

In connection, it is apparent that in the hope of either conning you out of your money or
impairing the authorized functions and funding of the Republic they are now employing the tactic
of demonizing me and other honest members in the Republic, alleging that we have mishandled
funds. That allegation is entirely false. How can we mishandle funds that we never had? It is my
good faith and due diligence that required a full accounting of the funds from those who did have
them. The result was that they were dismissed when they refused to provide the accounting and
they dissolved our secure communications system and never returned any emails or messages sent
by all different means, including personal messages sent by me and the Vice President through
some that were still in communication with them throughout the month of February. And now they
continue in their wickedness, with the potential of great loss to all of us who are in good faith
endeavoring to advance our Republic and attain our fullest security of life and enjoyment of our
rights. They are a very real threat to our security; and the allegations against me/us are merely
attempts of the unscrupulous to get ill-gotten money into their hands to control and use the way
they want without accounting to any of us.
In an effort to re-direct ID card funds to the proper place, we asked that anyone who had received
an ID card from the Republic and a return of the funds please send a blank money order to the
verifiable Bureau address to be deposited in an account for the Republic. If you have any questions
or special circumstances, please email Rick Winer at and he will do his best to assist you. Rick has been
appointed by me to help in this area. We are attempting to bring back as much of the funds as are
possible, but it will only be done through the honor system. If you decide to not pay for your ID
card, we will not ask you for it.
We owe investors the amounts that they provided so that we could obtain the ID card
equipment and supplies, and we will pay them every penny. If we are not honorable in our
business dealings, God will not bless our Republic. We must have his blessings to succeed. We also
believe that you will do the right thing.
If any of you feel that our request for your honor regarding sending us the funds is an
attempt to abuse your money, please keep it. I would rather you keep your money than have you
wonder if we did something improper with it. If it is in your pocket you will know for sure.
Please disregard every other invoice or request sent to you by anyone for money for ID
cards or regarding ID card orders, unless the notice is confirmed on the Republic’s Wednesday
night call or through other official channels such as communications from me with your Governors
or other elected officials that would be verifiable.
Please do not order a card at this time, since the Republic is not providing this service,
making any ID cards, or issuing any invoice. Since these unscrupulous characters have been in
positions of great trust, they have had access to official seals and signatures and may fraudulently
use such to con you or to make us look bad. If you have already ordered or sent payments through
their Google system, please request a refund. As of today, no further ID cards will be recognized.
I say again, please disregard every other notice, request, or invoice sent to you by anyone

for money for ID cards or regarding ID card orders, unless the notice is confirmed on the
Republic’s Wednesday night call or other verifiable means. When we do send out an authorized
notice, we will confirm that notice on the Wednesday night calls or other verifiable means, since
these calls and communications are not controlled by the unauthorized actors.
I am sorry for the confusion and inconvenience. We will get this problem solved as soon
as possible, and again set up a Bureau with honor, integrity and accountability and again issue
lawful ID’s. Unscrupulous individuals and unfriendly groups will likely continue to cause problems
for us, but we will overcome by God’s grace and direction, so long as we continue in good faith.
We will be sending out more official notices to you as this develops. Do not respond to any
request even if it appears to come from us until you verify it is from an official in good standing of
the Republic. If you receive an email from us, we will verify it is from us on our Wednesday night
phone call and by a secondary means as I mentioned on the Wednesday night call where all
further official Press releases will include an identification number that will be posted on the
Republic website so you can verify it is an official notice from Republic officials.
Thank you for your time and efforts and God Bless,
James Timothy Turner

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