Saturday, March 5, 2011

Asha4u 2:47 pm. Mr. . Griffith is on to something that’s for sure however he only has pieces of the defense puzzle . Project Cloverleaf refers to a in place ,25 plus years defense program as a response to the spread of missile technologies to countries that might use them against
the People of the United states and Canada. The technologies being applied
were based on Tesla technologies science however Cloverleaf consisted of
four widely spaced protective facilities(bases) called “Clover Dane, Clover Jane” .ect.
the Shemya Island facility ,one of the 4 bases and towers, utilized a spaceborne power generation system that allowed the transmission of over a million volts, from space to the surface.this power source ,if still utilized could even be of much greater strength than first envisioned.

the towers could power plasma , particle beam weapons and microwave weapons and from the four geographically different towers protect and destroy incoming missiles and aircraft.
At the touch of a button ,(Highly guarded) a microwave grid linking the 4 bases produced a defensive shield over Canada and the US.
this replaced the defensive early warning radar Dew Bases,, It seems the Dew line facilities caused the crashes of alien craft and our reverse engineered copies were also seriously affected .It is very likely that the
that the present HAARP bases may also be linked to this, in place, defensive shield,Chemtrails may be a part of this, I can’t comment on weather modification although this may be a byproduct of the ongoing research. Advanced
defensive and offensive technical systems required huge amounts of un
documented money hence the huge black ops financing by the military PTB and explain government control of the worlds dope trafficking centers.
having and creating junkies to finance security and profit the military and political insiders
Millions went into producing the Stealth aircraft made obsolete by the new aircraft and defensive technologies only to be undone by the Chinese who discovered that the aircraft hidden by stealth could be located and shot down in flight even though radar could not reveal their locations ,the Chinese discovered that
the turbulent trail could be monitored to locate the aircraft and down it.
After this new defense came in to play by the Chinese we released stealth tech to Nato and our allies. Now however Robotic fast movers and manned fast movers of the Aurora craft traveling in near space at 100.000 mph plus are available for defensive or offensive use.these may be the platforms of the Space Navy that the English hacker discovered and why the Pentagon wants him locked away for his revelations.
Griffith mentioned that Israel had placed nuke devices in Russian cities True, as Israel may have seeded all their world embassies with similar devices , a one day press story in NYC mentioned very elevated radiological measurements emmiting from the Embassy in NYC, picked post 911 monitoring, It is Likely that Israeli defense requires, now missiles or aircraft to deliver nukes as they are already in place in the leading countries.
Dr. Beter referred to Russian weapons stashed in the US as failsafe, and in cities off shore in submarine trenches.We have done the same with China and Russia I would expect ,and our worries about China supremacy are really nil because, the cost of Chinese militarization will collapse them ( the Communist gov. ) just as happened with the old Soviet Union.
As for the Annunaki/Elohim/Neflim linking them to ancient religious writings and giving these visitors religious signifigence was the result of their presence in ancient times
and their technical brilliance, It was the ignorance of them ( the ancients as religious slaves) to be wowed by their presence attributing “God Like Powers” to them ,
their genetic progeny of the secret societies are still creating new faiths to confuse like Urantia, the story has always been to throw in another new revelation to confuse
and split the people from the Spiritual Unity we all desire . again we have been victims of our beliefs and easy marks for those who knew the real story,
They laugh at our fumblings for knowledge and love religious creations ,even their own, to control and deny us a more mature scientific view of the “Creation”
their Masters still confound and confuse using fear and power to bend us to their wills. Don’t look to any “ISM” as all were created to enslave us and keep us
afraid of gods ,hells and the Illumanati “Boogymen.”
Thankfully their thousands of years of intellectual oppressions are now being undone .
We are in Transition from the ignorance of the good god/bad god interplay that has slowed our scientific progress in understanding our wonderful place in this creation.
over half of us still deny a progressive evolution of life , they insist on anthromorphsizing the distant cosmic origins insisting it was the work of the godlings
that the Annunaki gave us to bend our knees to while they played technical gods to our genetic modified mankind, Like the elohim/neflim war god Jehovah or Yahweh.
who wanted no other strange gods before them (a typical Annunaki demand”)
Christ tried to tell us all was within, not in the temples or priesthood but the brainwashed minions of past ages made sure that the “Knowing” met their fates early.
Some here ,while clinging to the propaganda of the past,try to create understandable visions of the future “Ascension” or the secret powers that are manipulating them,
while the manipulators need no heavenly afterlife because they intend to have it all here at you and your misguided congregations expense,
the ages of religious slavery imposed so long ago is about to be replaced by new scientific knowledge and contact with the “Masters of Time and Space” ,Hopefully we will be alive
when the cosmic chickens come back home to roost and rule.And hope beyond hope that they will be kindly and understanding ,not a ravaging bunch of meat hungry technical reptiles.
If they are, well, the Clover bases are ready to discourage

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