Friday, February 11, 2011

“My antenna is picking up another signal that nobody has mentioned on the board. My tinfoil hat is lit up like a Christmas tree. The labor unions have been systematically taken apart over the past 20 years or so with the globalization and what have you. Whether the unions went too far or not is another discussion. What I’m getting at is the decline of the living standard that lies ahead for the US and how little will be able to be done about it. Now the Deutsche Bourse is setting up to take over the NY stock exchange. The entire debt based monetary system is controlled through banking, the exchanges, and derivatives. Now the old European banking elite are about the complete the total takeover of the monetary system. They’ve already accomplished gaining additional powers at the FED, and now are trying to take over the exchanges and the setting of the rules. “Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws.” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Now I guess we’re going to find out if any one of our elected officials has the slightest clue about what their jobs or oath means. What’s this got to do with gold? See how much gold you’ll be able to own or accumulate once the banksters take it all and leave you with electronic chits for money debited and credited to some number in a banks computer.

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