Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Important Message: From Chief Justice of the one supreme Court ~ Nathan Joel Peachey

Important Message: From Chief Justice of the one supreme Court ~ Nathan Joel Peachey
Link here and text below: 
Welcome to the Halls of Justice
In the 2010 Utah Convention, the state Republics convened Joint Session Congress and re inhabited the Republic for the united States of America.
A history lesson in the establishment of our original Republic;
“At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: “Well Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a monarchy?” “A Republic if you can keep it” responded Franklin.” So quotes Ron Paul in a statement written in early 2000.
Franklin’s words were quite telling. He could have simply said, “A Republic”, but he added the 5 words, “if you can keep it.” By uttering those words, Franklin was suggesting that a Republic is not something that can be expected to survive without nurturing and constant attention. Much like an infant, a Republic requires the supervision and disciplinary hand of a watchful guardian. If that guardian takes his responsibility lightly, it can be expected that the Republic will stray from all that is good and pure and will grow into an unrecognizable monster that knows not how to function properly, defiant and thirsty for self-gratification.
Franklin saw the very real possibility that our infant Republic might not stand the test of time; indeed, he recognized the thirst for tyranny among some of those that sat right there in the room with him, crafting our Constitution.
The “free state” Philadelphia held joint session and drafted a Constitution for the United States….. the Republic. If they would have named the United States (the Republic) instead of United States it would have avoided much confusion because it is difficult to discern what you mean and even to this day, because in the course of conversation about the United States you never know if the conversation is about the 50 free states or the National United States Government. Even more confusion was demonstrated when they incorporated the United States and gave it sovereign status.
The Republic was not sovereign by any means. The Republic was not supposed to be sovereign. The sovereignty was held by the people. In 1861 they killed the Republic because it was not sovereign. It was easy to do because the Republic was called the United States; of the 10 miles square area. They simply incorporated the Kings sovereignty via creation of a US Corporation. This US Corporation now was incorporated with the Kings Sovereignty. Now they created a US Citizenship or the 14th amendment. The moment you became a US Citizen you became subject to the Sovereign Corporation. Today the US Corporation will admit they are sovereign. This information is readily available if you look for it.
To make matters even worse after the civil war they incorporated the state names of the free states as political sub-divisions sharing sovereign status with the US CORPORATION. Then to top it all off, they incorporated all the county names as political sub-divisions of the STATE and these COUNTY CORPORATIONS vested their power in a Board of Commissioners. This has been done throughout all the free states of the Republic. The Board of Commissioners of the COUNTY CORPORATION exercises their sovereign CORPORATE governing powers through a maze of complex CORPORATE business agencies and CORPORATE administrative offices for profit. There is NO Republican form of government in any county and no true Constitutional Judicial system in any county. Most of the judges are simply clerks and many are officers sitting on the Board of their own CORPORATIONS that operate judging business for profit as an agency administrative function of the CORPORATE COUNTY with indexes traded on Wall Street.
This is why you cannot access true Constitutional justice in your county. To access Constitutional justice you have to use the Sovereign Immunities ACT
because these COUNTY CORPORATIONS operate with all the rights and privileges of natural people with Sovereign Rights; or better yet join the Republic for the united States of America. This is a simple act of changing your political orientation and is lawful and peaceful and is the remedy and the only solution we have to restore our American integrity and law again.
The Republic Constitution (United States) guaranteed a Republican form of government to all the states. Only a Republic could guarantee that, could it not? Now what this meant was the states would be governed in a Republican manner which was…… they would be allowed to send their sovereign free state Citizens as Representatives directly to Congress of the Republic and Represent their free state. The free state would not be under a monarchy rule and the Republic would not act as sovereign to the state. It would govern the state according to the will of the people in that state through the free state Representative. Now how many states are experiencing this type of Government? Well of course none……Why? Because the US Corporation has taken the position of usurping the sovereignty of the people within the free states by contracts…getting us to waive our sovereignty and waiving our rights to have our sovereignty protected by the Republic Constitution.
The original Republic created in the 1787 Convention was not sovereign. The states were “free states” and together in session they created a Republic for the united States and created a Constitution for the Republic. They did not have citizenship of this Republic. Being a citizen of a Republic is a bad thing…because the Republic is not sovereign. Being a citizen of the sovereign US Corporation is also a very bad thing because even though the US Corporation is sovereign… do not receive sovereign status by being a citizen but a mere subject.
Back then the people were free state Citizens. A free state was a jural society of people that joined together in political union to protect their God-given Rights. They created a Constitution where they delegated some power to the free state government and then they delegated other powers directly from the sovereign people to the Republic. The free state government had certain functions and the Republic had different functions.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; State; a body politic or society of men, united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. This type of free state sounds like a good thing and certainly not like the STATE that we are familiar with today.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Citizen; A member of a free city or jural society.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Republic; A Republic is a commonwealth, having a form of government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the general body of citizens. Citizens of what? Maybe free state Citizens? As much as people love to name their states a Republic, it does not necessarily mean a good or bad thing nor is it necessarily the magic bullet for what ails our states today. First, it means you are a commonwealth. A commonwealth has to do with the public welfare and rights of the entire mass of people rather than the privileges of a certain class of people. It also means that it is a commonwealth which receives all its power from the people.
While the word state means a jural society……..the word Citizen means a member of a jural society, or putting it bluntly…….. a Citizen is the Jural society who enjoys all the rights and privileges of that which he creates …….. The free state does not give you a right or privilege, neither can it because it is a free state and you with Sovereign Rights are the free state Citizen, but as a free state Citizen you enjoy rights and privileges of having the state law and justice system protect you and your sovereignty, whereas you otherwise would have to do it on your own if you would not be a free state Citizen. As a sovereign you may get arrested through the law of Conquer and Conquest…….such as traveling down the road without a license. If you get arrested you have lost your sovereignty but as a free state Citizen you are sovereign but also have joined together with others as a free state and as a state Citizen you have the privilege of having your rights, freedoms and sovereignty protected by the law. The original word state is a jural society of men and women that band together to protect their Sovereign Rights by law and justice. That is a good thing. It is America.
In the beginning the free united States created a Republic to protect the united States and the sovereignty of the people. How did it get so terribly turned around? I mean today the Federal US Corporation is anything but trying to protect the Sovereign Rights of the people. But that is all about to change as we have now lawfully re inhabited the original de jure free states and resurrected the original Republic for the united States of America. We are back in business again and We the People hold Sovereign Rights held by Indigenous Power and we now come as free state Citizens with established courts of law and justice that are here to serve the people and to protect their sovereignty.
The free states also govern themselves in Republican form… although they are not entirely a Republic by themselves as they are annexed to the Republic for the united States of America. A Republican form of government is simply Representatives governing for the people according to the will of the people. This is quite a luxury because while a few folks can be governing the rest can be farming or fishing or hunting; knowing that their Representatives will carefully guard their sovereignty in government. This is a privilege, is it not?
Many Blessings to all of you and I look forward to working with all of you in a very positive way in the coming days as we are preparing to set the stage to adjudicate court cases from the Black Market CORPORATE COUNTY and STATE COURTS to the Republic and free state courts where Americans can once again experience true Constitutional justice with the support of the military and the other enforcement agencies we are in working relationship with.
Chief Justice for the one supreme Court of the NP_CJ
Republic for the united States of America
~Nathan Joel Peachey

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