Sunday, February 13, 2011

common ground

"Mr. Hutzler, you and I have common ground….I hear a LOT more about return to the constitution now, more than EVER before in my lifetime (I am older than u by a little). And by this I mean more mainstream and not fringe, more intellectual than radical, more living room than para-militry encampment so to speak. I am sure the previous RAP then the more current TTurner version are a big part of this, and that is not bad, and you are part of it. I also feel like the first 2 or 3 (movements) up the hill may not make it. They will, however, be a force in changing the perception that the masses have of the bigger issues and for this by itself they are noble efforts.
The most important thing to cling to is the resolve to stick with the constitution.
It will take special people indeed to be at the forefront of any movement that may get the call to be the leaders on a change of the guard, special to be able to resist the temptations that will be presented, special to stick to the resolve for people they will never know and future generations they will never be able to see."

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